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Delaware Statutes § 4326 Presiding officer; elector vacancy

Up to Subchapter II: Uniform Faithful Presidential Electors Act.

Statute Text

(a) The Secretary of State shall preside at the meeting of electors described in § 4327 of this title.
(b) The position of an elector not present to vote is vacant. The Secretary of State shall appoint an individual as a substitute elector to fill a vacancy as follows:
(1) If the alternate elector is present to vote, by appointing the alternate elector for the vacant position.
(2) If the alternate elector for the vacant position is not present to vote, by appointing an elector chosen by lot from among the alternate electors present to vote who were nominated by the same political party or unaffiliated presidential candidate.
(3) If the number of alternate electors present to vote is insufficient to fill any vacant position under paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section, by appointing any immediately available individual who is qualified to serve as an elector and chosen through nomination by and plurality vote of the remaining electors, including nomination and vote by a single elector if only 1 remains.
(4) If there is a tie between at least 2 nominees for substitute elector in a vote conducted under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, by appointing an elector chosen by lot from among those nominees.
(5) If all elector positions are vacant and cannot be filled under paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(4) of this section, by appointing a single presidential elector, with remaining vacant positions to be filled under paragraph (b)(3) of this section and, if necessary, paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
(c) To qualify as a substitute elector under subsection (b) of this section, an individual who has not executed the pledge required under § 4324 of this title shall execute the following pledge: "I agree to serve and to mark my ballots for President and Vice President consistent with the pledge of the individual to whose elector position I have succeeded.".


Added by Laws 2023 , ch. 44 , s 2 , eff. 6/9/2023 .