Delaware Statutes § 7571 Persons eligible to vote by absentee ballot
Statute Text
Any person qualified under the provisions of a municipal charter to vote by absentee ballot in any municipal election held in that municipality ("elector") may vote by absentee ballot for any reason authorized by that municipality's charter or ordinances and for any of the following reasons:
Because such person is in the public service of the United States or of this State, or is a citizen of the United States temporarily residing outside the territorial limits of the United States and the District of Columbia, or such person's spouse or dependents when residing with or accompanying the person, or is absent from this State because of illness or injury received while serving in the armed forces of the United States; or
Because such person is in the armed forces of the United States or the Merchant Marines of the United States, or attached to and serving with the armed forces of the United States in the American Red Cross or United Service Organizations; or
Because of the nature of such person's business or occupation, including the business or occupation of providing care to a parent, spouse or that person's child who is living at home and requires constant care due to illness or injury; or
Because such person is sick or physically disabled; or
Because such person is absent from the municipality while on vacation; or
Because such person is unable to vote at a certain time or on a certain day due to the tenets or teachings of that person's religion.
76 Del. Laws, c. 52 , § 2 .;
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