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Florida Regulations § 34-12.330 Annual Renewals

Up to Chapter 34-12: Executive Branch Lobbyist Registration

Regulation Text

(1) Each lobbyist must renew his or her registration to lobby an agency on behalf of a principal on a calendar year basis by electronic means at or by filing a CE Form 20-R, Lobbyist Renewal Form, and payment of the annual registration fee of $25.00 for each principal represented.
(2) CE Form 20-R, Executive Branch Lobbyist Renewal, effective 1/2017, or by electronic means via the Lobbyist Registration and Compensation Reporting system available at . To be utilized by lobbyists to renew their annual registration as an Executive Branch lobbyist. The Form 20-R is generated by the Lobbyist Registration Office and may be obtained without cost from the Lobbyist Registration Office, 111 West Madison Street, Room G-68, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, Telephone (850)922-4990.


Rulemaking Authority 112.3215, 112.322(9) FS. Law Implemented 112.3215 FS.


New 10-12-89, Amended 10-6-91, 7-5-92, 12-6-92, 1-1-97, 11-24-97, 1-1-02, 6-15-06, 8-18-10, 1-1-13, Amended by Florida Register Volume 40, Number 247, December 23, 2014 , effective 1/8/2015 , Amended by Florida Register Volume 41, Number 219, November 10, 2015 effective 11/24/2015 , Amended by Florida Register Volume 42, Number 250, December 28, 2016 effective 1/9/2017 .