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Florida Regulations § 34-6.0065 Emergency Requests for Advisory Opinions

Up to Chapter 34-6: Advisory Opinions

Regulation Text

Except in emergency situations or for other good cause shown, no request for an advisory opinion shall be agendaed for Commission action at a public meeting if the request is received after the fifteenth day prior to the meeting. The decision of whether an emergency exists or whether good cause has been shown shall lie within the discretion of the Chairman and the Executive Director, who shall decide whether to agenda the request based upon a written statement from the person(s) requesting the opinion describing the facts and circumstances constituting an emergency or good cause.


Rulemaking Authority 112.322 (9) FS. Law Implemented 112.3215 (12), 112.322 (3), 350.041 (4), 350.043 FS.


New 4-21-83, Formerly 34-6.065, Amended 8-7-94, Amended by Florida Register Volume 41, Number 219, November 10, 2015 effective 11/24/2015 .