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Illinois Regulations § 2 IAC 560.300 Persons Required to File Semi-monthly Reports

Up to Subpart C: Reporting Requirements

Regulation Text

a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, every person required to register as prescribed in Section 560.200 shall report under oath subject to penalties existing under the Act and pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Code of Civil Procedure to the Secretary of State all expenditures for lobbying made or incurred by the lobbyist on his or her behalf or the behalf of his or her employer (Section 6 of the Act). For the purpose of this Subpart, "expenditures" shall refer to reportable expenditures made on behalf of officials or immediate family members of officials who reside with the officials in the 6 categories described in Section 560.310 .
b) In the case where an individual is solely employed by another person to perform job related functions, any part of which includes lobbying, the employer shall be responsible for reporting all lobbying expenditures incurred on the employer's behalf as shall be identified by the lobbyist to the employer preceding such report. The authorized agent for each lobbying entity shall file one semi-monthly report that includes all expenditures made by persons who lobby exclusively for that entity and reimbursed expenditures made by persons who do not lobby exclusively for that entity. Lobbyists shall submit their expenditure information to the authorized agent for their lobbying entities and shall not file separate semi-monthly reports with the Secretary of State. In connection with each semi-monthly report filed, the authorized agent shall verify, under penalties existing under the Act and Section 1-109 of the Code of Civil Procedure, that the expenditure information contained in the report is true, accurate and complete to the best of his or her knowledge as provided by the individually reporting lobbyists, if any.
c) Persons and entities that do not lobby exclusively for one lobbying entity shall report all expenditures that were not reimbursed by employers (i.e., clients), including expenditures to establish goodwill with officials that were not on behalf of a client.
d) Participants in grass roots lobbying events who make reportable expenditures shall file reports as prescribed by Section 560.325 .


Amended at 35 Ill. Reg. 12761, effective July 18, 2011