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Illinois Statutes § 5/1-25 The Security of Remote Vote by Mail Task Force

Up to Article 1: General Provisions

Statute Text

(a) The Security of Remote Vote by Mail Task Force is hereby created for the purposes described in subsection (b). Members of the Task Force shall be appointed as follows:
(1) 2 members who identify as a voter with a print disability appointed by the Governor;
(2) 2 members who have experience with absent military and naval service voting appointed by the Governor;
(3) one member with expertise in cybersecurity appointed by the Governor;
(4) one member with expertise in election security appointed by the Governor;
(5) one member with expertise in administering elections appointed by the Governor;
(6) 2 members appointed by the President of the Senate;
(7) 2 members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
(8) 2 members appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate; and
(9) 2 members appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.
(b) The Task Force shall study the feasibility of implementing a remote vote by mail system that would allow an election authority to transmit a vote by mail ballot electronically to a voter, and allow the voter to mark, verify, and return the ballot to the election authority electronically. In conducting its study, the Task Force shall consider whether implementing such a system of remote vote by mail is a safe and secure way to vote; what methods of remote voting exist within the United States; and what factors, if any, mitigate security related concerns in relation to implementing a remote vote by mail system. The Task Force shall also suggest changes to current law that would be necessary to implement a remote vote by mail system that would allow an election authority to transmit a vote by mail ballot electronically to a voter, and allow the voter to mark, verify, and return the ballot to the election authority electronically.
(c) The Task Force shall complete its study no later than June 30, 2025 and shall report its findings to the Governor and the General Assembly as soon as possible after the study is complete.
(d) The members shall serve without compensation. If a vacancy occurs on the Task Force, it shall be filled according to the guidelines of the initial appointment.
(e) The State Board of Elections shall provide staff and administrative support to the Task Force.
(f) This Section is repealed on July 1, 2026.


Added by P.A. 103-0467 , § 10 , eff. 8/4/2023 .