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Indiana Statutes § 3-7-33-5.7 Statewide voter registration system; identification of potential nonresidential addresses

Up to Chapter 33: Registration Forms; General Procedures for Processing by Counties

Statute Text

(a) The statewide voter registration system must contain a feature that identifies potential nonresidential addresses submitted on voter registration applications.
(b) This subsection applies to an application with a residence address that the statewide voter registration system identifies as a potential nonresidential address. Before the county voter registration official makes a determination on the application under section 5 of this chapter, the official shall conduct research on the application to determine if:
(1) an individual could reside at the address stated on the application; or
(2) the applicant resides at a nontraditional address described in IC 3-5-5-18 .


Added by P.L. 227 - 2023 , SEC. 31 , eff. 7/1/2023 .