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Indiana Statutes § 3-7-40.5-2 Updating copy of voter's original signature in computerized list

Up to Chapter 40.5: Changes in Registration Records to Update Signature of Voter

Statute Text

(a) The county voter registration office may update the copy of the voter's original signature in the computerized list established under IC 3-7-26.3 for printing on a poll list or for an electronic poll book from any of the following that is maintained by a county election board or the county voter registration official:
(1) A poll list.
(2) A voter registration application or an address confirmation notice under IC 3-7-38.2 .
(3) An affidavit prescribed by the election division under IC 3-10-11 and IC 3-10-12 .
(4) A document prescribed by the election division for absentee voting under IC 3-11-4 .
(b) A document described in subsection (a) may be either on paper or in an electronic format that is submitted through a module of the computerized list.


Added by P.L. 227 - 2023 , SEC. 33 , eff. 7/1/2023 .