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Iowa Statutes § 48A.15 Commissioner's action upon receipt of challenge or withdrawal

Up to Subchapter III: Forms and Procedures for Voter Registration

Statute Text

1. A challenge is valid if it meets the criteria in section 48A.14 , subsections 1, 2, and 3.
2. Upon receipt of a challenge which is not valid, the commissioner shall notify the challenger of the reason the challenge is not valid, and shall take no further action regarding the challenge.
3. Upon receipt of a valid challenge, the commissioner shall, within five working days, notify the challenged registrant and the challenger of the date, time, and place of a hearing on the matter of the challenge, to be held not less than twenty nor more than thirty days from the commissioner's receipt of the challenge. The notice of a hearing shall include a copy of the challenge, and shall advise the challenged registrant that the registrant may personally appear at the hearing, or may submit to the commissioner before the hearing evidence, documentation, or statements refuting the challenge.
4. The notice prescribed by subsection 3 shall be sent by first class forwardable mail to the challenged registrant at the registrant's most recent mailing address according to the registration records.
5. If the challenge is withdrawn, the commissioner shall immediately notify the challenged registrant of the withdrawal, and shall cancel the scheduled hearing.
6. If the challenged registrant notifies the commissioner that the challenged registrant wishes to appear in person but is unable to do so on the date scheduled, the commissioner may reschedule the hearing.


94 Acts, ch 1169, §16