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Iowa Statutes § 52.26 Authorized optical scan voting system

Up to Chapter 52: Voting Systems

Statute Text

1. Every optical scan voting system approved by the state board of examiners for voting systems shall:
a. Provide for voting in secrecy, except as to persons entitled by sections 49.90 and 49.91 to assistance. The state board of examiners for voting systems shall determine whether the systems' voting booths provide for voting in secrecy.
b. Permit each voter to vote at any election for any candidate for each office and upon each public question with respect to which the voter is entitled by law to vote, while preventing the voter from voting more than once upon any public question or casting more votes for any office than there are persons to be elected to that office.
c. Permit a voter to vote for any person for any office on the ballot at that election, whether or not the person's name is printed on the ballot.
d. Be so constructed or designed that, when voting in a primary election in which candidates are nominated by political parties, a voter is limited to the candidates for the nominations of the political party with which that voter is affiliated.
e. Be so constructed or designed that in presidential elections the voter casts a vote for the presidential electors of any party or political organization by a single mark made opposite the name of the candidates of that party or organization for the offices of both president and vice president of the United States, and so that the voter is also provided the opportunity to write in the name of any person for whom the voter desires to vote for president or vice president of the United States.
f. Be so constructed or designed as to permit voting for candidates for nomination or election of at least seven different political parties or organizations, and to permit voting for all of the candidates of any one political party or organization by a single mark, at any one election.
2. A punch card voting system shall not be approved for use.


C77, 79, 81, § 52.26 90 Acts, ch 1007, §2; 2002 Acts, ch 1134, §53, 115; 2007 Acts, ch 190, §33, 34