Louisiana Regulations § 31-I-1105 Procedures for Voting and Termination of Voting for Paper Ballots
Regulation Text
Allowing the Voters to Vote Paper Ballots
The commissioner shall continue to follow the normal procedures of verifying the voter and having the voter sign the precinct register as provided in the "Election Day Procedures" provided in Part 3 of the
Informational Pamphlet for Election Day Voting
Additionally, the commissioner shall initial the precinct register opposite the voter's signature or mark and write "Paper Ballot" in the "Lockout Districts" column on the line in the precinct register where the voter is listed.
After the commissioner initials the precinct register and writes "Paper Ballot" in the precinct register, the commissioner shall:
remove a ballot and secrecy envelope from the large ballot envelope labeled with the button number for the voter that is listed in the precinct register and account for the distribution of that specific ballot number on the paper ballot audit form. (Hash marks or similar counting marks may be used and then totaled at the end of voting to report a final total for each column on the paper ballot audit form.);
give the voter the ballot, the secrecy envelope and a pencil or pen;
instruct the voter to read and follow the instructions at the top of the ballot to mark the ballot according to those instructions and to seal the ballot in the secrecy envelope after he has completed voting;
the commissioner shall allow the voter to go to an area inside the polling place where he can mark his ballot in private and seal his voted ballot in the secrecy envelope; and
instruct the voter to return the sealed voted ballot in the secrecy envelope to the commissioner.
If the voter spoils his ballot and requests a new ballot, the commissioner shall:
instruct the voter to seal his spoiled ballot in the secrecy envelope before collecting the spoiled ballot;
write "Spoiled" across the ballot envelope and initial;
give the voter a new ballot; and
account for the distribution of the new ballot and the spoiled ballot on the paper ballot audit form and place the spoiled ballot envelope in the large return envelope labeled election day voted paper ballots.
Upon receipt of the voted ballot in the secrecy envelope from the voter, the commissioner shall account for the voted ballot on the paper ballot audit form and place the secrecy envelope in the large return envelope labeled election day voted paper ballots. The secrecy envelopes with the voted paper ballots shall be retained in the election day voted paper ballots envelope.
Termination of Voting Paper Ballots
Paper ballots shall only be used during the time when the precinct does not have a voting machine that is operable and the secretary of state, or his designee, has declared an emergency in writing for implementation of the emergency election day paper ballot voting procedures.
The commissioner-in-charge shall notify the clerk of court when the voting of paper ballots is terminated due to an operable voting machine and shall indicate the time on the paper ballot audit form. The clerk of court shall then notify the secretary of state, or his designee.
Closing the Polling Place
After the closing of the polling place, the commissioners shall follow the instructions to complete the paper ballot audit form and certify to its accuracy and place the original paper ballot audit form, all sealed secrecy envelopes containing voted ballots, all spoiled ballot envelopes, and all unused paper ballots and secrecy envelopes in the large return envelope labeled election day voted paper ballots.
The commissioner-in-charge shall post a duplicate copy of the paper ballot audit form next to the posted voting machine results tape.
The commissioner-in-charge shall place the large return envelope labeled election day voted paper ballots in the clear plastic zipper bag along with the election results cartridges and deliver the bag to the clerk of court.
Promulgated by the Department of State, Elections Division, LR 39:1056 (April 2013).
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