Louisiana Regulations § 31-II-305 Parish Registrars of Voters
Regulation Text
It is the intention of the parish registrars of voters to cooperate fully in the registration of voters at driver's license facilities. In that regard, parish registrars shall:
notify the Department of State immediately of any change in the office mailing address of the registrar of voters;
upon receipt in the registrar's office of a voter registration application form from any driver's license facility located within his parish, indicate the date received for the application in the Election and Registration Information Network (ERIN) system;
determine the parish in which the applicant seeks to register, or if already registered, seeks to change his name or address and, if not his parish, transmit to the appropriate registrar of voters;
review such voter registration application form to determine if the applicant is eligible to register to vote in accordance with law; and
if there is a change of name or address for a registered voter, process such change and mail a new voter identification card to the voter.
The offices of the registrars of voters shall utilize the ERIN system for processing voter registration application forms that are received from the Office of Motor Vehicles (OMV).
Promulgated by the Department of Elections and Registration, Commissioner of Elections, LR 16:606 (July 1990), amended LR 20:1373 (December 1994), Amended by the Department of State, Elections Division,
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