Louisiana Regulations § 31-II-307 Authorized Employees at Driver's License Facilities
Regulation Text
Authorized Employee
or an
Authorized Employee of a Drivers License Facility-
any official or employee of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections or an official or employee of a contractor of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections.
Qualifications. An authorized employee at a driver's license facility shall possess the following qualifications:
the person shall be an official or employee of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections or an official or employee of a contractor of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections who is employed at a facility for the issuance of Louisiana driver's license or Louisiana identification cards;
the person shall have received in-service training;
the person shall not participate or engage in any political activity, except to exercise his right as a citizen to express his opinion privately and to cast his vote as he desires;
the person shall not have been convicted of any election offense; and
the person shall not be a candidate for public office.
Duties. An authorized employee at a driver's license facility shall perform the duties listed below.
During regular working hours, an authorized employee shall offer voter registration to any U.S. citizen who obtains, renews, or changes the name or address on a Louisiana Driver's License or Louisiana Identification Cards:
a person who is at least 16 years of age and who is an actual resident of the state, parish, and precinct in which he seeks to register to vote; however, the person will not be eligible to vote until the age of 18;
a person who is not under an order of imprisonment for conviction of a felony as defined in
, except as provided in
a person who has not been interdicted after being declared to be mentally incompetent as a result of a full interdiction or is not subject to a limited interdiction where the persons right to vote has been suspended; and d. a person who is a United States citizen.
An authorized employee shall allow an applicant who resides at more than one place in the state with an intention to reside there indefinitely, to choose which residence will be used for registration purposes. However, if the applicant has a homestead exemption, he must register and vote in the precinct in which that residence is located. The exceptions to this provision are:
if the person resides in a nursing home (as defined in R.S. 18:333(A)) or in a veterans home, he may register and vote at the address where the nursing home or veterans home is located or where he has a homestead exemption; or
if the person is a bona fide full-time student attending an institution of higher learning in this state, he may choose as his residence and may register to vote either at the place where he resides while attending the institution of higher learning or at the place where he resides when not attending such institution of higher learning.
An authorized employee shall assist any applicant who requests assistance in registering to vote. Such assistance may consist of answering any question the person might have about completing the registration form and shall include assistance in the completion and execution of an application, if requested by the applicant. Additionally, if the person has a physical disability or is unable to read or write English, such assistance shall include:
reading the document to the applicant;
executing the document by writing what the person dictates or what is said through an interpreter; and
allowing the person to sign, or if unable to sign, to make his mark in front of two witnesses who shall also sign.
An authorized employee shall require the applicant to provide sufficient information to establish his age, identity, and residency.
An authorized employee shall inform an applicant that if he does not declare a political party affiliation that his voter registration application shall indicate "No Party" on the application form.
An authorized employee shall ensure that the information provided on the voter registration application is legible and to the best of his knowledge accurate and complete.
An authorized employee shall administer any oath required on the voter registration application, as authorized by
An authorized employee shall inform the applicant that the applicant is not officially registered to vote until the application has been received and approved by the parish registrar of voters. Upon approval by the registrar of voters, a voter identification card will be mailed to the applicant.
An authorized employee shall ensure that the completed electronic voter registration application is transmitted immediately to the Department of State who shall transmit the application daily to the appropriate parish registrar of voters. The date and time of transmission shall automatically be recorded for electronic submissions. An authorized employee shall ensure that a completed paper application is made available to the designated person of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections or its contractor who will be responsible for transmittal to the parish registrar of voters for the parish in which the driver's license facility is located. On the paper voter registration application, the employee shall circle "MV", sign, and date the bottom of each paper application before transmitting to the Department of Public Safety and Corrections or its contractor. For a paper voter registration application, the date of transmittal shall be indicated on the application, and the transmittal shall be made within five working days of the completion of the application form unless the application is accepted within five days before the last day for registration then the application form shall be transmitted at the conclusion of each business day.
An authorized employee shall ask any person making a change of name or a change of address on a Louisiana Driver's License or Louisiana Identification Card if such change is to be used for voter registration purposes. If affirmed, such change shall be transmitted in the same manner as a voter registration application form.
An authorized employee shall keep any declinations to register to vote confidential, and shall keep confidential the fact that any particular applicant has submitted an application to register to vote at a drivers license facility. All declinations shall be written and signed by the voter. All such applications and declinations to register to vote shall be used only for voter registration purposes.
Offenses. No person authorized to accept voter registration application forms shall knowingly, willfully, or intentionally:
offer, promise, solicit, or accept money or anything of present or prospective value to secure or influence a vote or registration of a voter;
forge, alter, deface, destroy, or remove from proper custodial care any application for voter registration; or
intimidate, directly or indirectly, any prospective voter in matters concerning registration or nonregistration.
Any authorized employee who commits an offense as provided herein shall be subject to the penalties provided in
, or
Any authorized employee who fails to comply with the provisions of law relative to registration at driver's license facilities shall be subject to the penalties established in
Promulgated by the Department of Elections and Registration, Commissioner of Elections, LR 16:607 (July 1990), amended LR 20:1373 (December 1994), Amended by the Department of State, Elections Division,
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