Louisiana Regulations § 31-II-405 Services Made Available
Regulation Text
At each mandatory voter registration agency, the following services shall be made available:
distribution of the state voter registration application with each application for service or assistance, and with each recertification, renewal, or change of address form relating to such service or assistance, whether the application, recertification, renewal, or change of address form is in paper or electronic format;
provide a declaration form with each application, recertification, renewal, or change of address form as described in 42 U.S.C. §1973gg-5 (a)(6)(B);
provide each applicant who does not decline to register to vote the same degree of assistance with regard to the completion of the voter registration application as is provided by the mandatory voter registration agency with regard to the completion of its own forms, unless the applicant refuses such assistance;
accept completed voter registration applications for transmittal to the appropriate parish registrar of voters; and
accept any change of name submitted by a registrant which shall serve as a notification of change of name for voter registration unless the registrant states at the time of submitting the change that the change is not for voter registration purposes. The transmittal procedure shall be handled in the same manner as voter registration applications.
If the mandatory voter registration agency provides services to a person with a disability at the person's home, the agency shall provide the services described in Paragraph A at the person's home.
Promulgated by the Department of State, Elections Division, LR 39:2798 (October 2013).
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