Louisiana Regulations § 31-III-131 Drayage Contract Requirements
Regulation Text
A contract cannot be transferred, subcontracted, or assigned prior to execution of said contract. After execution of the contract, a contractor may assign or subcontract his obligations under the contract only with the written consent of the Secretary of State, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
To the extent that a prospective contractor proposes to utilize subcontractors in performing the contract, the prospective prime contractor shall not be considered to be responsible unless recent performance history indicates an acceptable subcontracting system determined by the Secretary of State. All subcontractors must meet the same standards for responsibility, bonds, and insurance as the prime contractor.
If a bidder is the lowest responsible and responsive bidder in more than one parish, bidders will be limited to contracting for parishes with an aggregate total of not more than 1,000 voting systems or four parishes. In the event that those numbers are exceeded, the contracts will be awarded in the order in which bids were taken.
The term of the contract shall be one year or less with an option to renew for two additional one-year terms. All contracts shall end on December 31.
If the holder of multiple drayage contracts fails to perform in accordance with the provisions of any of his contracts, the Secretary of State may cancel any and all contracts with that contractor. In addition, the contractor may be suspended from future bidding.
Promulgated by the Department of State, Elections Division, LR 34:701 (April 2008).
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