Louisiana Regulations § 52-I-1602 Political Committees; Names
Regulation Text
The name of a political committee shall not be the same as, nor deceptively similar to, the name of any other political committee.
The name of a political committee organized to support one candidate shall contain the name of that candidate.
The name of a political committee supporting or opposing more than one candidate shall not contain the name of an individual, unless the name of the committee in some way clearly reflects that it is not a committee supporting or opposing only that individual.
When a political committee uses an acronym in addition to its complete name, each document filed with the supervisory committee shall contain the complete name of the political committee, with the acronym in parenthesis.
When the name of a political committee contains a number, the number shall be spelled out in the name and the numerical symbol(s) placed in parenthesis.
Promulgated by the Department of Civil Service, Board of Ethics, LR 23:1301 (October 1997).
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