Louisiana Regulations § 52-I-201 Election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman
Regulation Text
The chairman and vice-chairman shall be elected for a two-year term at the first meeting held following January 1 of each odd-numbered year commencing with January 1, 1997.
In case of a vacancy in the office of chairman or vice-chairman, the board shall elect a new chairman or vice-chairman who shall serve until the expiration of the vacated term.
The chairman shall:
preside at all meetings of the board when present;
assign matters to the appropriate panel for investigation;
act or direct the staff to act between meetings of the board on routine matters involving scheduling, docketing, appearances, continuances, and postponements;
provide direction on behalf of the board between meetings to the board's counsel during litigation; and
perform all other duties pertaining to the office of chairman or as may be assigned to him by the board.
In the absence of the chairman, the vice-chairman shall perform all the duties of the chairman.
During the course of an adjudication, the board may, by a majority vote of its participating members and with the concurrence of the chairman, designate a member who is an attorney to act as the presiding officer during the adjudication.
Promulgated by the Department of Civil Service, Board of Ethics, LR 23:1289 (October 1997).
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