Nominations for candidates for presidential electors made by each recognized political party shall be made in such manner as shall be determined by a resolution adopted by the state central committee of the respective recognized political party. Each recognized political party shall nominate a full slate of candidates for elector, one from each congressional district and two from the state at large.
The names of candidates for presidential elector nominated by each recognized political party shall be filed with the secretary of state by a sworn statement, which shall be known as a certificate of nomination. The certificate of nomination shall be sworn to, signed, and filed by the chairman and secretary of the state central committee, except when the state central committee orders the nomination of presidential electors by a convention, in which case the chairman and secretary of the convention shall swear to, sign, and file the certificate of nomination.
Each certificate of nomination shall contain:
the name and place of residence, including the street and number thereof, if any, of each candidate for presidential elector;
the particular office of presidential elector for which each is nominated, that is, the district for which each has been chosen or the designation "At large" in the case of the two at large candidates;
the name of the recognized political party making the nomination;
the names of the candidates for president and vice president supported by the party. In addition, a certificate of nomination filed by the chairman and secretary of a state central committee shall certify the adoption by the state central committee of the resolution of the committee which authorized the method of nomination, the method of nomination used, and the time and place where the nomination took place. Similarly, a certificate of a nominating convention also shall certify the adoption by the state central committee of the resolution which authorized the convention, the time and place where the convention was held, and the election of the chairman and secretary. Each certificate of nomination filed with the secretary of state shall be accompanied by the notarized affidavit of each candidate for elector signifying that the certificate constitutes his acceptance of the nomination.
The certificate of nomination shall constitute full proof of the nominations it recites and shall entitle the candidates for electors to each receive the number of votes received in the election by the party's candidate for president.
If the nominees for the offices of president and vice president nominated by a national convention of a recognized political party, together with a slate of candidates for the offices of presidential electors to support such nominees, are not properly certified to the secretary of state by the state central committee of that party prior to 4:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday in August of each year in which a presidential election is to be held, the national chairman of the political party, after notifying the chairman of the state central committee of that political party, shall certify a slate of electors to support such nominees by 4:30 p.m. on the first Friday following the third Tuesday in August. Such certificate filed with the secretary of state shall be accompanied by the notarized affidavit of each candidate for elector signifying that the certificate constitutes his acceptance of the nomination.
If the certificate of nomination and notarized affidavit of each candidate for elector are not filed timely with the secretary of state, the secretary of state shall endorse the date and time of receipt upon all documents and shall return them forthwith, either personally or by registered or certified mail, to the national chairman of the political party.
Acts 1976, No. 697, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 1978. Amended by Acts 1977, No. 588, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 1978; Acts 1982, No. 778, §1, eff. Aug. 4, 1982; Acts 1993, No. 418, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 1994; Acts 2007, No. 240, §1; Acts 2009, No. 369, §1;
, No.
, eff. June 18, 2013.
Amended by
, No.
, eff.
Acts 1976, No. 697, §1, eff.
. Amended by Acts 1977, No. 588, §1, eff.
; Acts 1982, No. 778, §1, eff.
; Acts 1993, No. 418, §1, eff.
; Acts 2007, No. 240, §1; Acts 2009, No. 369, §1.