Louisiana Statutes § 18:1415 Discovery prior to filing a suit contesting an election
Statute Text
Provided an action contesting an election involving election to office has not been filed pursuant to
, a candidate may conduct limited discovery as provided herein during the period of time after the close of the polls on election day and prior to the expiration of time to file a suit contesting such election.
Provided an action contesting an election involving the recall of a public officer has not been filed pursuant to
, the recalled public officer may conduct limited discovery as provided in this Section during the period of time after the close of the polls on election day and prior to the expiration of time to file a suit contesting such election.
Such discovery may be conducted only after execution of an affidavit by a poll watcher, commissioner, or any other election official that he has personal knowledge of an irregularity in the election and only after such affidavit has been filed with a court of competent jurisdiction. The nature of the irregularity shall be specified in the affidavit. The clerk of court shall immediately notify the secretary of state by telephone and by written notice when such affidavit has been filed, and shall notify the opponents of the candidate of the filing of the affidavit. The clerk shall also supply a copy of the affidavit to each opponent of the candidate.
Discovery shall be limited to the taking of the deposition of any election official, including his employees, having responsibilities regarding the conduct of such election and the inspection and copying of documents and other records in the custody and control of any such election official, but shall not include access to voting machines prior to the date such machines are opened in accordance with
. The deposition of a statewide elected official or his employee shall be conducted at the office of such official.
Upon the request of the candidate or recalled public officer, after the filing of the affidavit as provided in Subsection C of this Section, the clerk of any district court shall issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum in aid of the taking of depositions and the production of documentary evidence for inspection or copying, or both.
The authority for a candidate or recalled public officer to conduct discovery under the provisions of this Section shall cease when an action contesting such election is filed pursuant to
(B) or (H)
A candidate or recalled public officer who conducts limited discovery as provided in this Section shall be responsible for all reasonable costs associated with such discovery.
Acts 1997, No. 975, §1; Acts 1999, No. 254, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 2000; Acts 2001, No. 451, §6, eff. Jan. 12, 2004; Acts 2012 , No. 138 , § 1 , eff. May 14, 2012.
Acts 1997, No. 975, §1; Acts 1999, No. 254, §1, eff. 1/1/2000 ; Acts 2001, No. 451, §6, eff. 1/12/2004 ; Acts 2012 , No. 138 , § 1 , eff. 5/14/2012 .
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