Maine Topics Election Administration
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Tagged Content in Maine under Election Administration
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 1: Preelection ProcedureArticle 2: Local Officials' Responsibilities
Topics: Election Costs
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 2: Election ProcedureArticle 3: Voting and Challenges
Topics: Public Disclosure and Reporting Record Retention and Confidentiality Election Offenses
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 2: Election ProcedureArticle 4: Restrictions
Topics: Electioneering Election Observers or Watchers Polling Places Responsibilities - Election Officials Accessibility and Voter Assistance
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 2: Election ProcedureArticle 4: Restrictions
Topics: Electioneering Election Observers or Watchers Election Offenses
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 2: Election ProcedureArticle 5: Marking, Counting and Handling of Ballots
Topics: Political Parties Ballot Custody Responsibilities - Election Officials Vote Counting and Canvassing
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 2: Election ProcedureArticle 5: Marking, Counting and Handling of Ballots
Topics: Errors Responsibilities - Election Officials Ballot Rejection and Curing Write-Ins
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 2: Election ProcedureArticle 5: Marking, Counting and Handling of Ballots
Topics: Ballot Custody Responsibilities - Election Officials Vote Counting and Canvassing Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 2: Election ProcedureArticle 5: Marking, Counting and Handling of Ballots
Topics: Ballot Custody Equipment Security
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 3: Post Election ProcedureArticle 1: Tabulation and Results
Topics: Definitions Audits
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 3: Post Election ProcedureArticle 3: Inspection and Recount
Topics: Audits Investigation Recounts
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 4: Absentee VotingArticle 1: Regular Absentee Voting
Topics: Definitions Ballot Custody Responsibilities - Election Officials Ballot Drop Box
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 4: Absentee VotingArticle 1: Regular Absentee Voting
Topics: Errors Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Eligibility Ballot Rejection and Curing Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 4: Absentee VotingArticle 1: Regular Absentee Voting
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 4: Absentee VotingArticle 1: Regular Absentee Voting
Topics: Public Disclosure and Reporting Record Retention and Confidentiality Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 5: Presidential Electors
Topics: Election Costs Electoral College
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 6: Voting DevicesArticle 1: Voting Machines
Topics: Contents and Design Equipment Selection and Testing Equipment Security Paper Audit Trail
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 6: Voting DevicesArticle 1: Voting Machines
Topics: Election Administration Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 6: Voting DevicesArticle 1: Voting Machines
Topics: Election Costs Equipment Security
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 6: Voting DevicesArticle 1: Voting Machines
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 6: Voting DevicesArticle 1: Voting Machines
Topics: Polling Places Election Officials Responsibilities - Election Officials Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 6: Voting DevicesArticle 1: Voting Machines
Topics: Election Administration Equipment Security Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 6: Voting DevicesArticle 1: Voting Machines
Topics: Record Retention and Confidentiality Voting Equipment and Technology Paper Audit Trail
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 6: Voting DevicesArticle 2: Electronic Tabulating Systems
Topics: Election Administration Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 6: Voting DevicesArticle 2: Electronic Tabulating Systems
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 6: Voting DevicesArticle 2: Electronic Tabulating Systems
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 6: Voting DevicesArticle 2: Electronic Tabulating Systems
Topics: Polling Places Responsibilities - Election Officials Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 9: Conduct of ElectionsSubchapter 6: Voting DevicesArticle 2: Electronic Tabulating Systems
Topics: Polling Places Ballot Rejection and Curing Voter Education and Outreach Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 11: Ballot Questions
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 13: Campaign Reports and FinancesSubchapter 1: General Provisions
Topics: Information Requests and Open Records Investigation Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 13: Campaign Reports and FinancesSubchapter 1: General Provisions
Topics: Campaign Finance Procedures Enforcement Election Offenses
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 13: Campaign Reports and FinancesSubchapter 1: General Provisions
Topics: Campaign Finance Disclosure Information Requests and Open Records Election Offenses
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 13: Campaign Reports and FinancesSubchapter 2: Reports on Campaigns for Office
Topics: Candidate Requirements Political Committee Requirements Campaign Finance Disclosure Campaign Finance Public Disclosure and Reporting
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 13: Campaign Reports and FinancesSubchapter 2: Reports on Campaigns for Office
Topics: Campaign Finance Disclosure Campaign Finance Record Retention and Confidentiality
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 13: Campaign Reports and FinancesSubchapter 4: Reports by Political Action Committees and Ballot Question Committees
Topics: Political Committee Requirements Campaign Finance Disclosure Public Disclosure and Reporting Election Offenses
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 13: Campaign Reports and FinancesSubchapter 5: Maine Code of Fair Campaign Practices
Topics: Campaigns Special Commissions
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 13: Campaign Reports and FinancesSubchapter 5: Maine Code of Fair Campaign Practices
Topics: Campaigns Candidates and Parties Special Commissions
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 13: Campaign Reports and FinancesSubchapter 5: Maine Code of Fair Campaign Practices
Topics: Information Requests and Open Records Public Disclosure and Reporting
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 14: The Maine Clean Election Act
Topics: Public Funding Special Commissions
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 14: The Maine Clean Election Act
Topics: Public Funding Public Disclosure and Reporting Special Commissions
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 15: Apportionment
Topics: Definitions Redistricting
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 15: Apportionment
Topics: Definitions Redistricting
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 15: Apportionment
Topics: Definitions Redistricting
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 15: Apportionment
Topics: Authority Criteria Deadlines Redistricting Judicial Review
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 15: Apportionment
Topics: Authority Criteria Redistricting Special Commissions
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 15: Apportionment
Topics: Definitions Redistricting
Code: Title 21-A: ElectionsChapter 15: Apportionment
Topics: Definitions Criteria Redistricting
Code: Department 94: Independent AgenciesDivision 270: Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election PracticesChapter 1: Procedures