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Michigan Statutes § 168.615c Selection of political party ballot by elector; separate record; disclosure; record retention

Up to Chapter XXV. Delegates, Conventions and Party Committees

Statute Text

(1) In order to vote at a presidential primary election, an elector shall indicate in writing, on a form prescribed by the secretary of state, which political party ballot he or she wishes to vote when appearing at a presidential primary election.
(2) The secretary of state shall develop a procedure for city and township clerks to use when keeping a separate record at a presidential primary election that contains the printed name, address, and qualified voter file number of each elector and the political party ballot selected by that elector at the presidential primary election.
(3) The information acquired or in the possession of a public body indicating which political party ballot an elector selected at a presidential primary election is not exempt from disclosure under the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246 .
(4) Within 71 days after the presidential primary election, the secretary of state shall make available to the public in an electronic format a file of the records for each political party described under subsection (2). The secretary of state shall set a schedule for county, city, and township clerks to submit data or documents required under subsection (2). The secretary of state and county, city, and township clerks shall destroy the information indicating which political party ballot each elector selected at the presidential primary election as recorded in subsection (2) immediately after the expiration of the 22-month federal election records retention period.


Added by 2011 , Act 163 , s 4 , eff. 10/4/2011 .

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