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Michigan Statutes § 168.720a Definitions for MCL 168.720b to 168.720j

Up to Conduct of Elections and Manner of Voting

Statute Text

As used in sections 720b to 720j:
(a) "County agreement" means an agreement, or any amendment to the agreement, between 1 or more municipalities located in whole or in part in the same county and the county clerk of that county authorizing the county clerk of the county to conduct early voting for each municipality that is a party to the agreement, with the assistance of, and in consultation with, the clerk of each municipality that is a party to the agreement.
(b) "Early voting" means casting a ballot in person before election day in the same manner as a ballot is cast on election day, including depositing the ballot into a tabulator.
(c) "Early voting plan" means a document and any addenda to the document outlining the manner in which early voting will be provided.
(d) "Early voting poll book" means the poll book utilized in early voting to create the poll list of registered electors voting at an early voting site and to comply with all statutory requirements of a poll book in an election. An early voting poll book may be electronic or a combination of electronic and paper, as prescribed by the secretary of state.
(e) "Early voting site" means a location where early voting occurs and that meets both of the following requirements:
(i) Is open for at least 9 consecutive days of early voting beginning on the second Saturday before a statewide or federal election and ending on the Sunday before a statewide or federal election.
(ii) Is open for at least 8 hours each day during the required 9 consecutive days of early voting.
(f) "Municipal agreement" means an agreement, or any amendment to the agreement, between 2 or more municipalities located in whole or in part in the same county to jointly conduct early voting.


Added by 2023 , Act 81 , s 7 , eff. 91 days after adjournment of the 2023 Regular Session sine die .