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Michigan Statutes § 168.765c Damaged or defective absent voter ballot; duplicate copy

Up to Absent Voters

Statute Text

If an absent voter ballot is damaged or defective so that the absent voter ballot cannot be properly counted by the electronic tabulating equipment, a true duplicate copy of that absent voter ballot must be made by the election inspectors from different political parties and substituted for the damaged or defective absent voter ballot. A damaged or defective absent voter ballot that cannot be properly counted by the electronic tabulating equipment includes an absent voter ballot issued to an elector that is for the wrong precinct. The election inspectors shall duplicate the absent voter ballot on the correct precinct ballot only for the candidates and ballot proposals that remain the same. Each duplicate ballot must be clearly labeled "duplicate" by the election inspectors, and that duplicate ballot must bear a serial number that is recorded on the damaged or defective absent voter ballot under procedures provided by the secretary of state.


Added by 2023 , Act 81 , s 27 , eff. 91 days after adjournment of the 2023 Regular Session sine die .