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Minnesota Regulations § 8275.0060 FORM OF CERTIFICATES

Up to Chapter 8275: Electronic Authentication

Regulation Text

Subpart 1. General standards.
Certificates issued by licensed certification authorities must follow the basic certificate field standards specified in X.509. Certificate data extension fields are optional. If certificate extension fields are used, usage must conform to the required guidelines referenced in X.509 and may be displayed on the certificate.
Subp. 2. Acknowledgment standards.
A certificate issued by a licensed certification authority that is to be used as an acknowledgment, as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 325K.23 , must include a certificate data extension field that specifies the reliance limit, if any, and a certificate data extension field that states that the certificate may be used as an acknowledgment. If certificate data extension fields are used in an acknowledgment, the usage must conform to the required guidelines referenced in X.509.
Subp. 3. Incorporation by reference.
X. 509, dated November 1993, and all subsequent amendments to it are incorporated by reference and are not subject to frequent change. It is published by the International Telecommunication Union and is available from the State Law Library and the International Telecommunication Union, Place des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, telephone +41 22 730 5111 and electronic mail: For purposes of this chapter, all references to X.509 shall be construed as referring to the most current version, which at the time this chapter was adopted was version 3. Compliance with a historical version will not be construed as compliance with X.509.


23 SR 1352