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Mississippi Advisory Opinions October 27, 1982: 19821027 (October 27, 1982)

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Collection: Mississippi Attorney General Opinions
Docket: 19821027
Date: Oct. 27, 1982

Advisory Opinion Text

Mrs. Sue Sautermeister

No. 19821027

Mississippi Attorney General Opinions

October 27, 1982

Mrs. Sue Sautermeister


Hinds County Board of Election Commissioners

Post Office Box 327

Hinds County Courthouse

400 East Pascagoula Street

Jackson, Mississippi 39205

Dear Mrs. Sautermeister:

Attorney General Bill Allain has received your request for opinion and has referred it to the undersigned for research and reply.

You enclose statements, forms and copies of statutes in regard to challenged votes and voters whose names do not appear upon the poll books for the voting district or precinct in which they actually reside, although such voters are registered to vote in the county, which sometimes occurs when the voter has moved from one voting district to another within the county.

I have reviewed your attachments and return true copies thereof to you attached to this opinion for convenient reference.

Having carefully reviewed the statements and suggestedforms and the statutes and Court decisions you cite authenticating the same, it is the opinion of this office that such statements are legally correct, that the statutes you cite are applicable thereto and that said statements and forms substantially conform to applicable law.

Trusting that the foregoing information is responsive to your request, I am

Very truly yours,

Bill Allain, Attorney General.