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Mississippi Advisory Opinions July 28, 1983: AGO 000008872 (July 28, 1983)

Up to Mississippi Advisory Opinions

Collection: Mississippi Attorney General Opinions
Docket: AGO 000008872
Date: July 28, 1983

Advisory Opinion Text

Mississippi Attorney General Opinions


Current through 1983 Legislative Session

AGO 000008872.


July 28, 1983
DOCN 000008872
DOCK 1983-176
AUTH Susan L. Runnels
DATE 19830728
RQNM Joseph Curtis, Chairman
SUBJ Schools-Districts/Schools-Supt. Misc./Elections-Misc.
SBCD 180/200/68
TEXT Dr. Joseph Curtis, Chairman
Leflore County Democratic Executive Committee
Post Office Box 1200
Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Re: Schools--County Superintendent of Education Election

Dear Dr. Curtis:

Attorney General Bill Allain has received your recent letter of request and has assigned it to me for research and reply.

Your inquiry states as follows:

We request a written opinion as to whether residents of the Greenwood Separate Municipal School District are eligible to vote for the Lefore County Superintendent of Education.

Please advise as soon as possible.

In a telephone conversation with you on July 28, 1983, you indicated your question concerns Miss. Code Ann. 37-5-71 (Supp. 1982) and whether an exception has been provided for Leflore County so that the qualified electors residing in any municipal separate or special municipal separate school district shall not vote in the election for county superintendent of education. After diligent research, it is our opinion that 37-5-71 provides no exception for Leflore County and the residents of municipal separate and special municipal separate school districts would be eligible to vote in the election for county superintendent of education. Because of the length of 37-5-71 a copy is being attached rather than being typed herein.



BY: Susan L. Runnels Special Assistant Attorney General

SLR:hs Attachment