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Missouri Regulations § 15 CSR 30-10.030 Voter Education and Voting Device Preparation

Up to Chapter 10: Voting Machines (Electronic)

Regulation Text

PURPOSE: This rule provides for the conduct of voter education and voting device preparation.
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The secretary of state has determined that the publication of the entire text of the material which is incorporated by reference as a portion of this rule would be unduly cumbersome or expensive. Therefore, the material which is so incorporated is on file with the agency who filed this rule, and with the Office of the Secretary of State. Any interested person may view this material at either agency's headquarters or the same will be made available at the Office of the Secretary of State at a cost not to exceed actual cost of copy reproduction. The entire text of the rule is printed here. This note refers only to the incorporated by reference material.
(1) Before elections in which an electronic voting system is to be used for the first time, the election authority shall conduct a public information program to acquaint voters who will be using the system with the manner in which ballots are voted and counted.
(2) Vote Recording Preparation-Polling Place. In addition to those supplies required for the conduct of elections generally, the election authority shall cause to have prepared and delivered to each polling place using the electronic voting system no later than forty-five (45) minutes prior to the opening of the polls, a sufficient quantity of the following:
(A) Each polling place in a primary or general election shall be provided with at least one (1) voting device for each one hundred fifty (150) registered voters. A sufficient number of machines shall be provided for other elections. There shall always be one (1) extra specimen voting device per polling place for use in the instruction of voters. Exceptions to this regulation for specific elections may be granted upon application therefor to the secretary of state. In primary elections there shall be at least one (1) voting device for each eligible political party or ticket. The voting devices shall be put in order, set, adjusted and ready for voting when delivered to the polling places;
(B) Ballot label assemblies for use on voting devices requiring ballot labels, in the format approved by the secretary of state, properly sequenced, mounted in each voting device supplied. The type of election and the date of election shall be plainly marked on the front cover of each ballot label assembly. In preparing a voting device for an election, it shall be arranged so that it will in every particular case meet the requirements for voting and counting at that election;
(C) Ballot cards in the form required for processing by the electronic data processing equipment. The number of ballot cards supplied shall be sufficient to comply with section 115.247 , RSMo;
1. The ballot card shall be in the format approved by the secretary of state. In the case of ballot cards of the 5081 size, the ballot stub and the ballot card shall not contain any common identifying mark, number or symbol which would permit them to be matched after having been detached in the voting process. Systems using larger sheets for ballot cards shall likewise be void of matching marks.
2. All arrows on the ballot label indicating where a voter may mark to designate his/her vote shall point to the center of the appropriate hole in the mask or the proper area for marking. All play in the ballot label of the 5081 size cards shall be limited so that the point of the arrow always points to the hole.
3. Demonstration ballot cards of a distinctive color, clearly marked for demonstration for use in the instruction voting device to educate the voter in the use of the system shall be supplied in such number as may be determined by the election authority.
4. Sample ballots, demonstration ballot cards or ballot labels which shall be exact copies of the official ballots except for wording indicating the sample status of the sheet.
5. All ballot cards shall be delivered to the polling places in a sealed package or container;
(D) Envelopes, sufficient in size to cover the voting area of the ballot card, if ballot cards of the 5081 format are used, made of stiff paper into which the ballot card is inserted by the voter after voting. The envelope shall cover the voting area of the ballot card and shall be of sufficient width to prevent insertion into a voting device. Ballot envelopes shall contain space so that the voter may cast write-in votes, if allowable for that election. The number of ballot envelopes shall equal the number of ballot cards supplied. Envelopes shall not be required in systems where the voter inserts the ballot card into the electronic counting device him/herself;
(E) Paper ballots, if any part of the election is to be voted on paper ballots;
(F) Ballot boxes as required by general election law;
(G) A transfer case sufficiently large to hold, transfer to the counting location from the polling place and store the ballot cards which have been voted in a polling place and the spoiled ballots envelope. The transfer case shall be constructed of metal and sealed with a numbered nonreusable seal;
(H) Envelopes and containers in which to enclose voted paper ballots, if used; spoiled ballot cards; envelopes; unused paper ballots; and unused ballot cards;
(I) A ballot card certificate, in the form set out with this rule, together with an envelope addressed to the election authority;
(J) Two (2) sample ballots of each ballot type to be voted on in the polling place;
(K) Pencils, seals and any other supplies and forms deemed necessary; and
(L) Instruction Guide for Election Judges and Clerks issued by the secretary of state.


AUTHORITY: section 115.225 , RSMo 1986.* Original rule filed March 31, 1972, effective April 10, 1972. Amended: Filed Sept. 15, 1972, effective Sept. 25, 1972. Emergency rescission filed Oct. 5, 1982, effective Nov. 2, 1982. Emergency rule filed Oct. 5, 1982, effective Nov. 2, 1982, expired Feb. 2, 1983. Rescinded and readopted: Filed Oct. 5, 1982, effective Feb. 11 , 1983.

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