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Nevada Regulations § 293.322 Duties of mail ballot central counting board; county clerk required to post public notice; general public authorized to observe handling of mail ballots

Up to Mail Ballot Voting

Regulation Text

1. The county clerk shall, not earlier than 15 days before the day of the election, deliver the mail ballots to the mail ballot central counting board for counting. When the mail ballots are received, the mail ballot central counting board shall, in addition to the requirements of NRS 293.269931 , 293.269933 and 293.269935 :
(a) Sort the mail ballots by precinct or, for those precincts that have been consolidated into a single voting district, by voting district, unless the system for counting the mail ballots produces an accounting of the mail ballots by precinct or voting district;
(b) Count the number of mail ballots by precinct or, for those precincts that have been consolidated into a single voting district, by voting district;
(c) Account for all returned mail ballots on the record of mail ballots; and
(d) Place all the returned mail ballots and the record of mail ballots into the container provided by the county clerk.
2. Not later than 2 days before the date of delivery of the mail ballots to the mail ballot central counting board for counting, the county clerk must post a statement in his or her office that notifies the public that the mail ballot central counting board will begin performing the actions set forth in subsection 1, the time at which the mail ballot central counting board is expected to begin and the times during which the mail ballot central counting board is expected to temporarily recess during the counting procedure.
3. Any mail ballots received by the county clerk after he or she delivers the mail ballots pursuant to subsection 1, and until the deadline for the receipt of mail ballots pursuant to NRS 293.269921 , must be delivered to the mail ballot central counting board for counting.
4. The county clerk shall allow members of the general public to observe the handling of the mail ballots conducted pursuant to subsection 1 if those members do not interfere with the handling of the mail ballots or compromise the security or secrecy of the mail ballots.


Added to NAC by Sec'y of State by R090-21A , eff. 2/28/2022 ; A by R011-23A , eff. 9/18/2023 ; A by R014-23A , eff. 9/18/2023