Nevada Statutes Chapter 293: Elections
Down to ⤵ Applicability and Administration §§ 293.124 to 293.1275
Down to ⤵ Automatic Voter Registration §§ 293.5768 to 293.57699
Down to ⤵ Ballots §§ 293.256 to 293.2693
Down to ⤵ Circulation and Sufficiency of Certain Petitions §§ 293.127563 to 293.12795
Down to ⤵ Confidential and Personal Information of Certain Persons §§ 293.900 to 293.920
Down to ⤵ Delivery of Rosters, Sample Ballots and Other Information Before Elections §§ 293.563 to 293.567
Down to ⤵ Early Voting by Personal Appearance §§ 293.356 to 293.361
Down to ⤵ Election Boards §§ 293.217 to 293.227
Down to ⤵ Election Expenses §§ 293.442 to 293.460
Down to ⤵ Election Precincts §§ 293.205 to 293.210
Down to ⤵ Election Security §§ 293.870 to 293.877
Down to ⤵ General Elections §§ 293.12755 to 293.12755
Down to ⤵ General Provisions §§ 293.010 to 293.121
Down to ⤵ Lists of Registered Voters in Local Jurisdictions §§ 293.440 to 293.440
Down to ⤵ Locations Used for Polling Places §§ 293.437 to 293.437
Down to ⤵ Mail Ballot Voting §§ 293.269913 to 293.269937
Down to ⤵ Major Political Parties §§ 293.128 to 293.167
Down to ⤵ Minor Political Parties §§ 293.171 to 293.174
Down to ⤵ Miscellaneous Provisions §§ 293.462 to 293.4815
Down to ⤵ Nominations and Candidates §§ 293.175 to 293.204
Down to ⤵ Preelection Actions Challenging Candidates §§ 293.2045 to 293.2045
Down to ⤵ Regulation of Elections §§ 293.247 to 293.250
Down to ⤵ Returns and Canvass §§ 293.3625 to 293.397
Down to ⤵ Statewide Measures: Preparation of Arguments; Publication §§ 293.252 to 293.253
Down to ⤵ Statewide Voter Preregistration and Registration Systems and Databases §§ 293.671 to 293.675
Down to ⤵ Ties, Recounts and Contests §§ 293.400 to 293.435
Down to ⤵ Unlawful Acts and Penalties §§ 293.700 to 293.840
Down to ⤵ Voter Preregistration and Registration Generally; Registrars §§ 293.484 to 293.562
Down to ⤵ Voter Preregistration and Registration Through Department of Motor Vehicles §§ 293.5727 to 293.5767
Down to ⤵ Voter Registration During Certain Periods Preceding and on Election Day §§ 293.5772 to 293.5887
Down to ⤵ Voters' Bill of Rights §§ 293.2543 to 293.2549
Down to ⤵ Voters' Privileges
Down to ⤵ Voting at Polling Places Established as Vote Centers §§ 293.3072 to 293.3075
Down to ⤵ Voting at Polls §§ 293.270 to 293.307
Down to ⤵ Voting by Persons With Disabilities §§ 293.269951 to 293.269951
Down to ⤵ Voting by Provisional Ballot Under Certain Circumstances §§ 293.3078 to 293.3086
Down to ⤵ Voting Systems Generally §§ 293.2696 to 293.2699
Down to ⤵ Meetings With Indian Tribes
Down to ⤵ Voting by Persons Detained in Jails §§ 293.269971 to 293.269975