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Nevada Statutes Chapter 293: Elections

Up to Title 24: Elections

Down to Applicability and Administration §§ 293.124 to 293.1275

Down to Automatic Voter Registration §§ 293.5768 to 293.57699

Down to Ballots §§ 293.256 to 293.2693

Down to Circulation and Sufficiency of Certain Petitions §§ 293.127563 to 293.12795

Down to Confidential and Personal Information of Certain Persons §§ 293.900 to 293.920

Down to Delivery of Rosters, Sample Ballots and Other Information Before Elections §§ 293.563 to 293.567

Down to Early Voting by Personal Appearance §§ 293.356 to 293.361

Down to Election Boards §§ 293.217 to 293.227

Down to Election Expenses §§ 293.442 to 293.460

Down to Election Precincts §§ 293.205 to 293.210

Down to Election Security §§ 293.870 to 293.877

Down to General Elections §§ 293.12755 to 293.12755

Down to General Provisions §§ 293.010 to 293.121

Down to Lists of Registered Voters in Local Jurisdictions §§ 293.440 to 293.440

Down to Locations Used for Polling Places §§ 293.437 to 293.437

Down to Mail Ballot Voting §§ 293.269913 to 293.269937

Down to Major Political Parties §§ 293.128 to 293.167

Down to Minor Political Parties §§ 293.171 to 293.174

Down to Miscellaneous Provisions §§ 293.462 to 293.4815

Down to Nominations and Candidates §§ 293.175 to 293.204

Down to Preelection Actions Challenging Candidates §§ 293.2045 to 293.2045

Down to Regulation of Elections §§ 293.247 to 293.250

Down to Returns and Canvass §§ 293.3625 to 293.397

Down to Statewide Measures: Preparation of Arguments; Publication §§ 293.252 to 293.253

Down to Statewide Voter Preregistration and Registration Systems and Databases §§ 293.671 to 293.675

Down to Ties, Recounts and Contests §§ 293.400 to 293.435

Down to Unlawful Acts and Penalties §§ 293.700 to 293.840

Down to Voter Preregistration and Registration Generally; Registrars §§ 293.484 to 293.562

Down to Voter Preregistration and Registration Through Department of Motor Vehicles §§ 293.5727 to 293.5767

Down to Voter Registration During Certain Periods Preceding and on Election Day §§ 293.5772 to 293.5887

Down to Voters' Bill of Rights §§ 293.2543 to 293.2549

Down to Voters' Privileges

Down to Voting at Polling Places Established as Vote Centers §§ 293.3072 to 293.3075

Down to Voting at Polls §§ 293.270 to 293.307

Down to Voting by Persons With Disabilities §§ 293.269951 to 293.269951

Down to Voting by Provisional Ballot Under Certain Circumstances §§ 293.3078 to 293.3086

Down to Voting Systems Generally §§ 293.2696 to 293.2699

Down to Meetings With Indian Tribes

Down to Voting by Persons Detained in Jails §§ 293.269971 to 293.269975