Nevada Statutes Chapter 293C: City Elections
Down to ⤵ Ballots §§ 293C.255 to 293C.262
Down to ⤵ Early Voting by Personal Appearance §§ 293C.355 to 293C.361
Down to ⤵ Election Boards §§ 293C.220 to 293C.228
Down to ⤵ General Elections §§ 293C.140 to 293C.145
Down to ⤵ General Provisions §§ 293C.100 to 293C.120
Down to ⤵ Mail Ballot Voting §§ 293C.263 to 293C.26337
Down to ⤵ Mechanical Voting Systems §§ 293C.600 to 293C.665
Down to ⤵ Miscellaneous Provisions §§ 293C.700 to 293C.725
Down to ⤵ Nominations and Candidates §§ 293C.175 to 293C.200
Down to ⤵ Returns and Canvass §§ 293C.3615 to 293C.395
Down to ⤵ Voter Preregistration and Registration Generally; Registrars §§ 293C.520 to 293C.545
Down to ⤵ Voting at Polling Places Established as Vote Centers §§ 293C.3032 to 293C.3035
Down to ⤵ Voting at Polls §§ 293C.265 to 293C.302
Down to ⤵ Meetings With Indian Tribes §§ 293C.2625 to 293C.2625