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Nevada Statutes Chapter 293C: City Elections

Up to Title 24: Elections

Down to Ballots §§ 293C.255 to 293C.262

Down to Early Voting by Personal Appearance §§ 293C.355 to 293C.361

Down to Election Boards §§ 293C.220 to 293C.228

Down to General Elections §§ 293C.140 to 293C.145

Down to General Provisions §§ 293C.100 to 293C.120

Down to Mail Ballot Voting §§ 293C.263 to 293C.26337

Down to Mechanical Voting Systems §§ 293C.600 to 293C.665

Down to Miscellaneous Provisions §§ 293C.700 to 293C.725

Down to Nominations and Candidates §§ 293C.175 to 293C.200

Down to Returns and Canvass §§ 293C.3615 to 293C.395

Down to Voter Preregistration and Registration Generally; Registrars §§ 293C.520 to 293C.545

Down to Voting at Polling Places Established as Vote Centers §§ 293C.3032 to 293C.3035

Down to Voting at Polls §§ 293C.265 to 293C.302

Down to Meetings With Indian Tribes §§ 293C.2625 to 293C.2625