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New Hampshire Statutes § 654:3 Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) Voters

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Statute Text

I. Absent uniformed services voters. An absent uniformed services voter, being a citizen of the United States and being at least 18 years of age as provided in Article 11 of Part First of the constitution of New Hampshire, shall have the right to vote absentee in any state election in the town or city in New Hampshire in which he or she had his or her domicile immediately prior to service, even though he or she no longer maintains domicile in said town or city and even though his or her intent to return thereto is uncertain, provided:
(a) He or she complies with all other applicable requirements and qualifications of the state of New Hampshire.
(b) He or she is not registered to vote in any other state or election district of a state, or in any territory or possession of the United States.
II. Absent voters temporarily residing outside the United States. An absent voter temporarily residing outside the United States, being a citizen of the United States and being at least 18 years of age as provided in Article 11 of Part First of the constitution of New Hampshire shall have the right to vote absentee in any election in the town or city in New Hampshire in which he or she had his or her domicile immediately prior to his or her departure provided:
(a) He or she complies with all other applicable requirements and qualifications of the state of New Hampshire; and
(b) He or she is not domiciled and is not registered to vote in any other state or election district of a state, or in any territory or possession of the United States; and
(c) He or she has a valid passport or card of identity issued under the authority of the Secretary of State of the United States.
III. Federal ballot only voters domiciled outside the United States. Any United States citizen, being at least 18 years of age as provided in Article 11 of Part First of the constitution of New Hampshire, who is domiciled outside the United States, shall have the right to register absentee and to vote for federal offices in the town or city in New Hampshire in which he or she, or a parent or legal guardian of said voter, had his or her domicile immediately prior to his or her departure from the United States, even though he or she no longer maintains domicile in said town or city and even though his or her intent to return thereto is uncertain, provided:
(a) He or she complies with all other applicable requirements and qualifications of the state of New Hampshire; and
(b) He or she is not domiciled in and is not registered to vote in any other state or election district of a state, or in any territory or possession of the United States; and
(c) He or she has a valid passport or card of identity issued under the authority of the Secretary of State of the United States.