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New Hampshire Statutes § 671:21 Absentee Voting

Up to Absentee Voting

Statute Text

I. A school district shall provide for absentee voting in the same manner as towns as provided in RSA 669:26 - 669:29 except that all duties performed therein by the town clerk shall be performed by the school district clerk.
II. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph I, if any school district votes to elect its district officers by separate ballot at the town election as provided in RSA 671:22 , II , then for either the town election or the school district election an application for an absentee ballot shall be sufficient in order to receive an absentee ballot for both the town election and the school district election. If a town adopts the provisions of RSA 671:22 , II , all forms relative to applications for absentee ballots, all absentee ballots, and all returns of absentee ballots shall be made only available at and only returnable to, as applicable, the office of each town clerk of each town comprising the school district.
III. Each town clerk shall make facilities in the town clerk's office available for the school district clerk to perform school district functions in connection with absentee voting. It shall be the duty of the school district clerk to post a notice at the school district clerk's office informing voters that all absentee voting procedures for school district elections shall be handled only through the town clerk's office.