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New Jersey Statutes § 19:32-54 Abolishment of offices of superintendent, deputy superintendent of elections

Up to Chapter 19:32: Establishment of office; appointment by Governor with advice and consent of Senate; salary; vacancy

Statute Text

a. Upon the adoption of a resolution or ordinance, as appropriate, the governing body of a county may abolish the office of superintendent of elections and the office of deputy superintendent of elections in the county, and the functions, powers, and duties of each office shall be transferred to and assumed by the county board of elections. The transfer of the functions, powers, and duties of the office of the superintendent of elections and the office of the deputy superintendent of elections shall be completed no later than the 90th day following the adoption of the ordinance or resolution, as appropriate, and the term of office of each individual holding each office shall be terminated no later than that 90th day.
b. Whenever reference is made in any statute, regulation, document or judicial proceeding to the office of superintendent of elections or the office of deputy superintendent of elections concerning the functions, powers, and duties that had been vested therein prior to their abolishment pursuant to subsection a. of this section, the same shall mean and refer to the county board of elections.
c. Notwithstanding any provision of subsection b. of section 3 of P.L. 2015 , c. 249 (C.40A:4-45.45b) to the contrary, and subject to approval by the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs, all expenses, including salaries, of such county's board of elections shall be exempt from the requirements of that subsection for the budget year next succeeding the budget year in which a resolution or an ordinance, as appropriate, is adopted pursuant to subsection a. of this section. The director shall approve an exemption of expenses from the requirements of subsection b. of section 3 of P.L. 2015 , c. 249 (C.40A:4-45.45b) pursuant to this subsection if:
(1) the director determines that the expenses are reasonable and will result in long-term savings for the county; and
(2) the county board of election's budget request for the budget year is less than the aggregate amount of the budget requests submitted to the county governing body by the office of the superintendent of elections, the office of the deputy superintendent of elections, and the board of elections in the last preceding budget year.


Added by L. 2018 , c. 163 , s. 1 , eff. 12/20/2018 .