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New Jersey Statutes § 19:44A-10.2 Segregated depository account, eligible expenses, non-political purposes, certain, permitted; maximum contribution; reporting

Up to Chapter 19:44A

Statute Text

Notwithstanding any provision of P.L. 1973 , c.83 (C.19:44A-1 et seq.), or any other law, rule, or regulation to the contrary, the two major political parties in this State and their respective county political party committees shall be permitted to create a segregated depository account, separate from any campaign depository account, to be deemed as the "housekeeping account." The purpose of the housekeeping account shall be to pay eligible expenses for non-political purposes of the State political party committee or county political party committee including, but not limited to, legal activity, accounting, compliance, human resources, collective bargaining, capital expenses such as mortgage payments, rent, utilities, and taxes, and expenses related to county, State, or national political party conventions. The two major political parties in this State and their respective county political party committees shall be permitted to raise funds for deposit into the housekeeping account, except that the maximum contribution or limit on the funds raised from any given person, candidate, or committee shall be equivalent to half the amounts established under P.L. 1973 , c.83 (C.19:44A-1 et seq.) for the State committee of a political party or the county committee of a political party. Gubernatorial campaigns shall be permitted to utilize the funds deposited in a political party housekeeping account established under this section for any non-political expenditures incurred following the election in which the gubernatorial candidates participated, and those non-political expenditures shall not be considered an in-kind contribution. Each State political party committee and each county political party committee establishing a housekeeping account as provided under this section shall file with the Election Law Enforcement Commission a report of all contributions received for the housekeeping account in excess of $200 and of all expenditures made from the account. The reports shall contain the same information and shall be filed in the same schedule as the reports of campaign contributions and expenditures required to be filed by political party committees pursuant to subsection c. of section 8 of P.L. 1973 , c.83 (C.19:44A-8).


Added by L. 2023 , c. 30 , s. 33 , eff. after the 2023 primary election , app. to the 2023 general election, unless a later date is specified, and all elections thereafter .