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North Carolina Statutes § 163-234 Counting absentee ballots by county board

Up to Article 20: Absentee Ballot

Statute Text

Effective Until 1/1/2025

All absentee ballots returned to the county board of elections in the container-return envelopes shall be retained by the county board of elections to be counted by the county board of elections as follows:
(1) Only those absentee ballots returned to the county board of elections [no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day before election day] in a properly executed container-return envelope [or absentee ballots] and received pursuant to [ G.S. 163-231 (b)(2)b . or c.] G.S. 163-231 shall be [counted, except to the extent federal law requires otherwise.] counted. Absentee ballots not received pursuant to all requirements in G.S. 163-231 shall not be deemed to be valid and shall not be counted. Absentee ballots received prior to election day shall be counted on election day. An absentee ballot returned in an executed container-return envelope containing a deficiency listed in G.S. 163-230.1 (e) shall be counted if documentation curing the deficiency is timely received by the county board of elections in accordance with the requirements of G.S. 163-230.1 (e) .
(2) The county board of elections shall meet at 5:00 [p.m.] P.M. on election day in the board office or other public location in the county courthouse for the purpose of counting all absentee ballots except those which have been challenged before 5:00 [p.m.] P.M. on election [day and] day, those received on election day, and those received pursuant to [ G.S. 163-231 (b)(2)b . or c.] G.S. 163-231 (b)(2) . Any elector of the county shall be permitted to attend the meeting and allowed to observe the counting process, so long as the elector does not in any manner interfere with the election officials in the discharge of their duties.
The county board of elections may begin counting absentee ballots issued under Article 21A of this Chapter between the hours of 9:00 [a.m.] A.M. and 5:00 [p.m.] P.M. and may begin counting all absentee ballots between the hours of 2:00 [p.m.] P.M. and 5:00 [p.m.] P.M. upon the adoption of a resolution at least two weeks prior to the election in which the hour and place of counting absentee ballots shall be stated. The resolution also may provide for an additional meeting following the day of the election and prior to the day of canvass to count absentee ballots received [pursuant to G.S. 163-231 (b)(2)b . or c.] on election day as provided in subdivision (11) of this section. A copy of the resolution shall be published once a week for two weeks prior to the election, in a newspaper having general circulation in the county. Notice may additionally be made on a radio or television station or both, but the notice shall be in addition to the newspaper and other required notice. The count shall be continuous until completed and the members shall not separate or leave the counting place except for unavoidable necessity, except that if the count has been completed prior to the time the polls close, it shall be suspended until that time pending receipt of any additional ballots. Nothing in this section prohibits a county board of elections from taking preparatory steps for the count earlier than the times specified in this section, as long as the preparatory steps do not reveal to any individual not engaged in the actual count election results before the times specified in this subdivision for the count to begin. By way of illustration and not limitation, a preparatory step for the count would be the entry of tally cards from direct record electronic voting units into a computer for processing. The board shall not announce the result of the count before 7:30 [p.m.] P.M.
(3) Notwithstanding subdivision (2) of this section, a county board of elections may, at each meeting at which it approves absentee ballot applications pursuant to G.S. 163-230.1 (e) and (f) , remove those ballots from their envelopes and have them read by an optical scanning machine, without printing the totals on the scanner. The board shall complete the counting of these ballots at the times provided in subdivision (2) of this section. The State Board [of Elections] shall provide instructions to county boards of elections for executing this procedure, and the instructions shall be designed to ensure the accuracy of the count, the participation of board members of both parties, and the secrecy of the results before election day. This subdivision applies only in counties that use optical scan devices to count absentee ballots.
(4) The counting of absentee ballots shall not commence until a majority and at least one board member of each political party represented on the board is present and that fact is publicly declared and entered in the official minutes of the county board.
(5) The county board of elections may employ such assistants as deemed necessary to count the absentee ballots, but each board member present shall be responsible for and observe and supervise the opening and tallying of the ballots.
(6) As each ballot envelope is opened, the board shall cause to be entered into a pollbook designated "Pollbook of Absentee Voters" the name of the absentee voter, or if the pollbook is computer-generated, the board shall check off the name. Preserving secrecy, the ballots shall be placed in the appropriate ballot boxes, at least one of which shall be provided for each type of ballot. [The "Pollbook of Absentee Voters" shall also contain the names of all persons who voted under G.S. 163-227.2 , 163-227.5 , and 163-227.6 , but those names may be printed by computer for inclusion in the pollbook.]
After all ballots have been placed in the boxes, the counting process shall begin.
[If one-stop ballots under G.S. 163-227.2 , 163-227.5 , and 163-227.6 are counted electronically, that count shall commence at the time the polls close. If one-stop ballots are paper ballots counted manually, that count shall commence at the same time as other absentee ballots are counted.]
If a challenge transmitted to the board on canvass day by a chief judge is sustained, the ballots challenged and sustained shall be withdrawn from the appropriate boxes, as provided in G.S. 163-89 (e) .
As soon as the absentee ballots have been counted and the names of the absentee voters entered in the pollbook as required in this subdivision, the board members and assistants employed to count the absentee ballots shall each sign the pollbook immediately beneath the last absentee voter's name entered in the pollbook. The county board of elections is responsible for the safekeeping of the pollbook of absentee voters.
(7) Upon completion of the counting process the board members shall cause the results of the tally to be entered on the absentee abstract prescribed by the State [Board of Elections.] Board. The abstract shall be signed by the members of the board in attendance and the original mailed immediately to the State [Board of Elections. The county board of elections may have a separate count on the abstract for one-stop absentee ballots under G.S. 163-227.2 , 163-227.5 , and 163-227.6 .] Board.
(8) One copy of the absentee abstract shall be retained by the county board of elections and the totals appearing on the absentee abstract shall be added to the final totals of all votes cast in the county for each office as determined on the official canvass.
(9) In the event a political party does not have a member of the county board of elections present at the meeting to count absentee ballots due to illness or other cause of the member, the counting shall not commence until the county party [chairman] chair of the absent member, or a member of the party's county executive committee, is in attendance. The person shall act as an official witness to the counting and shall [sign] include his or her printed name and signature on the absentee ballot [abstract as an "observer".] abstract, along with the name of who designated him or her to attend.
(10) The county board of elections shall retain all container-return envelopes and absentee ballots, in a safe place, for at least [four] 22 months, and longer if any contest is pending concerning the validity of any ballot.
(11) The county board of elections shall meet after election day and prior to the date of canvass to determine whether the container-return envelopes for absentee ballots received on election day pursuant to [ G.S. 163-231 (b)(2)b . or c.] G.S. 163-231 (b) have been properly executed. The county board of elections shall comply with the requirements of G.S. 163-230.1 for approval of applications. Any absentee ballots received pursuant to [ G.S. 163-231 (b)(2)b . or c.] G.S. 163-231 (b)(2) shall be counted by the county board of elections on the day of canvass. The county board of elections may also meet following the day of the election and prior to the day of canvass to count absentee ballots received pursuant to [ G.S. 163-231 (b)(2)b . or c.] G.S. 163-231 (b)(2) upon the adoption of a resolution pursuant to subdivision (2) of this section. The county board of elections shall comply with all other requirements of this section and G.S. 163-230.1 for the counting of these absentee ballots.


Amended by 2023 N.C. Sess. Laws 140 , s. 35 , eff. 1/1/2024 .

Amended by 2020 N.C. Sess. Laws 69 , s. 5.6 , eff. 7/1/2020 .

Renumbered from Chapter 163A by 2018 N.C. Sess. Laws 146 , s. 3.1-a , eff. 1/31/2019 .

Amended by 2011 N.C. Sess. Laws 182 , s. 7 , eff. 1/1/2012 .

Amended by 2009 N.C. Sess. Laws 537 , s. 8.(d) , eff. 1/1/2010 .

Amended by 2006 N.C. Sess. Laws 262 , s. 1 , eff. 8/27/2006 .

Amended by 2005 N.C. Sess. Laws 159 , s. 1 , eff. 7/7/2005 .

1939, c. 159, ss. 8, 9; 1945, c. 758, s. 8; 1953, c. 1114; 1963, c. 547, s. 8; 1967, c. 775, s. 1; c. 851, s. 2; 1973, c. 536, s. 1; 1975, c. 798, s. 3; 1977, c. 469, s. 1; c. 626, s. 1; 1989, c. 93, s. 7; 1993 Reg. Sess., 1994 , c. 762, s. 55; 1995, c. 243, s. 1; 1999-455, s. 14.

Effective Starting 1/1/2025

All absentee ballots returned to the county board [of elections] in the container-return envelopes shall be retained by the county board [of elections] to be counted by the county board [of elections] as follows:
(1) Only those absentee ballots returned to the county board [of elections] in a properly executed container-return envelope and received pursuant to G.S. 163-231 shall be counted. Absentee ballots not received pursuant to all requirements in G.S. 163-231 shall not be deemed to be valid and shall not be counted. [Absentee ballots received prior to election day shall be counted on election day.] An absentee ballot returned in an executed container-return envelope containing a deficiency listed in G.S. 163-230.1 (e) shall be counted if documentation curing the deficiency is timely received by the county board [of elections] in accordance with the requirements of G.S. 163-230.1 (e) .
(2) The county board [of elections] shall meet at 5:00 P.M. on election day in the county board office or other public location in the county courthouse for the purpose of counting all absentee ballots except those which have been challenged before 5:00 P.M. on election [day, those received on election day,] day and those received pursuant to G.S. 163-231 (b)(2) . Any elector of the county shall be permitted to attend the meeting and allowed to observe the counting process, so long as the elector does not in any manner interfere with the election officials in the discharge of their duties. The count of these absentee ballots shall be continuous until completed, and the members shall not separate or leave the counting place except for unavoidable necessity.
The county board [of elections] may begin counting absentee ballots issued under Article 21A of this Chapter between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. and may begin counting all absentee ballots between the hours of 2:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. upon the adoption of a resolution at least two weeks prior to the election in which the hour and place of counting absentee ballots shall be stated. [The resolution also may provide for an additional meeting following the day of the election and prior to the day of canvass to count absentee ballots received on election day as provided in subdivision (11) of this section.] A copy of the resolution shall be published once a week for two weeks prior to the election, in a newspaper having general circulation in the county. Notice may additionally be made on a radio or television station or both, but the notice shall be in addition to the newspaper and other required notice. The count shall be continuous until completed and the members shall not separate or leave the counting place except for unavoidable necessity, except that if the count has been completed prior to the time the polls close, it shall be suspended until that time pending receipt of any additional ballots. Nothing in this section prohibits a county board [of elections] from taking preparatory steps for the count earlier than the times specified in this section, as long as the preparatory steps do not reveal to any individual not engaged in the actual count election results before the times specified in this subdivision for the count to begin. By way of illustration and not limitation, a preparatory step for the count would be the entry of tally cards from direct record electronic voting units into a computer for processing. The county board shall not announce the result of the count before 7:30 P.M.
(3) Notwithstanding subdivision (2) of this section, a county board [of elections] may, at each meeting at which it approves absentee ballot applications pursuant to G.S. 163-230.1 (e) and (f) , remove those absentee ballots from their envelopes and have them read by an optical scanning machine, without printing the totals on the scanner. The county board shall complete the counting of these absentee ballots at the times provided in subdivision (2) of this section. The State Board shall provide instructions to county boards [of elections] for executing this procedure, and the instructions shall be designed to ensure the accuracy of the count, the participation of county board members of both parties, and the secrecy of the results before election day. This subdivision applies only in counties that use optical scan devices to count absentee ballots.
(4) The counting of absentee ballots shall not commence until a majority and at least one county board member of each political party represented on the county board is present and that fact is publicly declared and entered in the official minutes of the county board.
(5) The county board [of elections] may employ such assistants as deemed necessary to count the absentee ballots, but each county board member present shall be responsible for and observe and supervise the opening and tallying of the absentee ballots.
(6) As each ballot envelope is opened, the county board shall cause to be entered into a pollbook designated "Pollbook of Absentee Voters" the name of the absentee voter, or if the pollbook is computer-generated, the county board shall check off the name. Preserving secrecy, the absentee ballots shall be placed in the appropriate ballot boxes, at least one of which shall be provided for each type of ballot.
After all absentee ballots have been placed in the boxes, the counting process shall begin.
If a challenge transmitted to the county board on canvass day by a chief judge is sustained, the absentee ballots challenged and sustained shall be withdrawn from the appropriate boxes, as provided in G.S. 163-89 (e) .
As soon as the absentee ballots have been counted and the names of the absentee voters entered in the pollbook as required in this subdivision, the county board members and assistants employed to count the absentee ballots shall each sign the pollbook immediately beneath the last absentee voter's name entered in the pollbook. The county board [of elections] is responsible for the safekeeping of the pollbook of absentee voters.
(7) Upon completion of the counting process the county board members shall cause the results of the tally to be entered on the absentee abstract prescribed by the State Board. The abstract shall be signed by the members of the county board in attendance and the original mailed immediately to the State Board.
(8) One copy of the absentee abstract shall be retained by the county board [of elections] and the totals appearing on the absentee abstract shall be added to the final totals of all votes cast in the county for each office as determined on the official canvass.
(9) In the event a political party does not have a member of the county board [of elections] present at the meeting to count absentee ballots due to illness or other cause of the member, the counting shall not commence until the county party chair of the absent member, or a member of the party's county executive committee, is in attendance. The person shall act as an official witness to the counting and shall include his or her printed name and signature on the absentee ballot abstract, along with the name of who designated him or her to attend.
(10) The county board [of elections] shall retain all container-return envelopes and absentee ballots, in a safe place, for at least 22 months, and longer if any contest is pending concerning the validity of any ballot.
(11) [The county board of elections shall meet after election day and prior to the date of canvass to determine whether the container-return envelopes for absentee ballots received on election day pursuant to G.S. 163-231 (b) have been properly executed. The county board of elections shall comply with the requirements of G.S. 163-230.1 for approval of applications. Any absentee ballots received pursuant to G.S. 163-231 (b)(2) shall be counted by the county board of elections on the day of canvass.] The county board [of elections may also] shall meet [following] after the day of the election and prior to the day of canvass to count absentee ballots received pursuant to G.S. 163-231 (b)(2) upon the adoption of a resolution pursuant to subdivision (2) of this section. The county board [of elections] shall comply with all other requirements of this section and G.S. 163-230.1 for the counting of these absentee ballots.
(12) No later than 5:00 P.M. on the third business day after the election, the county board shall announce the tally of all absentee ballots, except those subject to a challenge or those cast in accordance with Article 21A of this Chapter.


Amended by 2024 N.C. Sess. Laws 57 , s. 3A.4-g , eff. 1/1/2025 , applicable to elections conducted on or after that date.

Amended by 2023 N.C. Sess. Laws 140 , s. 35 , eff. 1/1/2024 .

Amended by 2020 N.C. Sess. Laws 69 , s. 5.6 , eff. 7/1/2020 .

Renumbered from Chapter 163A by 2018 N.C. Sess. Laws 146 , s. 3.1-a , eff. 1/31/2019 .

Amended by 2011 N.C. Sess. Laws 182 , s. 7 , eff. 1/1/2012 .

Amended by 2009 N.C. Sess. Laws 537 , s. 8.(d) , eff. 1/1/2010 .

Amended by 2006 N.C. Sess. Laws 262 , s. 1 , eff. 8/27/2006 .

Amended by 2005 N.C. Sess. Laws 159 , s. 1 , eff. 7/7/2005 .

1939, c. 159, ss. 8, 9; 1945, c. 758, s. 8; 1953, c. 1114; 1963, c. 547, s. 8; 1967, c. 775, s. 1; c. 851, s. 2; 1973, c. 536, s. 1; 1975, c. 798, s. 3; 1977, c. 469, s. 1; c. 626, s. 1; 1989, c. 93, s. 7; 1993 Reg. Sess., 1994 , c. 762, s. 55; 1995, c. 243, s. 1; 1999-455, s. 14.

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Prior Versions of This Statute