North Carolina Statutes § 163-99 Use of schools and other public buildings for political meetings
Statute Text
The governing authority having control over schools or other public buildings which have facilities for group meetings, or where polling places are located, is hereby authorized and directed to permit the use of such buildings without charge, except custodial and utility fees, by political parties, as defined in
, for the express purpose of annual or biennial precinct meetings and county and district conventions. Provided, that the use of such buildings by political parties shall not be permitted at times when school is in session or which would interfere with normal school activities or functions normally carried on in such school buildings, and such use shall be subject to reasonable rules and regulations of the school boards and other governing authorities.
1975, c. 465; 19"83," c. 519, ss. 1, 2; 2017-6, s. 3; 2018-146, s. 3.1(a), (b).
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