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Oregon Advisory Opinions April 01, 1964: OAG 64-38 (April 1, 1964)

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Collection: Oregon Attorney General Opinions
Docket: OAG 64-38
Date: April 1, 1964

Advisory Opinion Text

Oregon Attorney General Opinions


OAG 64-38.



[31 Or. Op. Atty. Gen. 452]

The special registration certificates described in ORS 247.410 to 247.470 cannot be issued when the register of electors is closed.

No. 5795

April 1, 1964

Honorable Howell Appling, Jr.
Secretary of State

You request an opinion as to whether the special registration certificate described in ORS 247.410 to 247.470 can be issued during the period within 30 days prior to an election when the register of electors is closed.

A special registration certificate is issued to persons who lack the six-month residence qualification for voting in state elections, but who are otherwise qualified, for the purpose of permitting them to vote for the Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees of the United


States. ORS 247.410 to 247.470; Article II, § 2, Oregon Constitution.

ORS 247.070 provides for the closing of the register of electors as follows:

"(1) No elector may register within 30 days preceding any election held throughout the county in which he resides for the purpose of voting at such election. No elector residing in any precinct in which any election not held throughout the county is to be held may register within 30 days preceding such election for the purpose of voting at such election.

"(2) Any elector who will complete his residence requirement or attain the age of 21 years during the period when the register of electors is closed may register within 30 days preceding the closing of the register."

This statute was enacted before the provisions authorizing the voting for Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees became law.

The issue is whether ORS 247.070 prohibits the registration of persons applying for a special registration certificate.

By its own terms ORS 247.070 prohibits the registration of electors within 30 days of an election when the register of electors is required to be closed. Ivie v. City of Oceanlake, (1956) 208 Or. 417, 302 P. (2d) 221. The process of registration is cut off. Consequently, if a registered elector changes his residence during this period, he may not vote in the precinct in which he presently resides unless he obtains, as evidence of his prior registration, a certificate of registration from the county clerk where he previously resided and presents it to the election board in the precinct where he resides. ORS 247.151.

In the event of a change of residence by a special registrant within the 30-day period, ORS 247.450 similarly provides:

"A person registered under ORS 247.410 to 247.470 who changes his residence within the state during the period when the register of electors is closed may, upon request therefor and surrender of the special registration certificate previously issued to him, procure from the county clerk of the county in which he previously resided another special registration certificate. Upon delivery of the certificate to the election board and upon subscribing to an oath or affirmation before one of the election board clerks stating his present residence and that he has removed to such residence since the close of the register, the person shall be permitted to vote in the precinct in which he presently resides."

A person holding a special registration certificate, therefore, who changes his residence during the period that the register of electors is closed, must surrender it and obtain another special registration certificate from the county clerk where he previously resided and present it to the election board where he presently resides in order to vote.

The Legislative Assembly has provided a deadline for registration by electors generally qualified to vote and has likewise imposed that deadline on electors qualified to obtain a special registration certificate. Otherwise, there would be no necessity for the special procedures to be followed by a specially registered elector who changes his residence when the register of electors is closed.

Furthermore, ORS 247.470 provides:

"(1) ORS 247.011, 247.031, 247.111, 247.151, 247.161, 247.171, 247.181, 247.191, 247.290, 247.300, 247.910 and 247.920 do not apply to registration under ORS 247.410 to 247.470.

"(2) Except as otherwise provided in ORS 247.410 to 247.470 and in ORS 247.991, 249.369, 250.310, 250.520, 250.631 and 253.210, the registration and voting of persons referred to in ORS 247.410 shall be governed in as nearly as possible the same manner as the registration and voting of other qualified electors."

This statute does not exclude the applicability of ORS 247.070 but, on the contrary, indicates that the registration of persons applying for a special registration certificate shall be accomplished subject to the same limitations as the registration of other electors.

Accordingly, it is our opinion that the special registration certificate described in ORS 247.410 to 247.470 cannot be issued during the period when the register of electors is closed.


Attorney General,

By John J. Tyner, Jr., Assistant.