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Pennsylvania Regulations § 105.14a Subpoenas

Up to Chapter 105: Notice and Hearings

Regulation Text

(a) Procedure for requesting subpoenas.
(1) Subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses or for the production of documents will be issued only upon written application to the Chairperson of the Commission or the Commissioner presiding at hearing, with a copy to the opposing party.
(2) Written application shall specify as clearly as possible the relevance of the testimony or documentary evidence sought. As to documentary evidence, the request must specify to the extent possible the documents desired and the facts to be proved thereby.
(3) Failure to adhere to the requirements of this subsection may result in the refusal by the Commission to issue the requested subpoenas.
(4) Subpoenas for new or additional witnesses will not be issued after a hearing has been commenced and continued unless orally requested on the record at the hearing and approved by the Commission, except that subpoenas issued prior to the commencement and continuance of the hearing may be reissued upon written request.
(b) Service.
(1) A subpoena shall be served personally upon the witness.
(2) Subpoenas for the production of documents shall be served personally or by first-class mail upon the individual in possession of the documents, if known, or the agency head, who may designate a knowledgeable alternate as custodian of the documents, or the legal counsel for the appointing authority.
(3) Service of subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses shall be made at least 48 hours prior to hearing, unless the witness agrees to waive the 48-hour requirement. Subpoenas for the production of documents shall be served no later than 5 work days prior to hearing.
(4) Failure to adhere to the requirements of this subsection may result in a ruling by the Commission denying the enforceability of the subpoena.
(c) Compensation of witnesses.
(1) Witnesses subpoenaed to appear before the Commission shall be paid a witness fee at the rate specified for the courts of common pleas by the party requesting the subpoena.
(2) Witnesses subpoenaed to appear before the Commission shall be paid, by the party serving the subpoena, mileage at the rate specified for the courts of common pleas for each mile actually and necessarily traveled between the place named in the subpoena and either the place of residence of the witness or the work site, whichever distance is less.
(3) At the time a witness is served with a subpoena, the witness shall, upon demand, be paid the witness fee and travel expenses provided in this subsection by the party serving the subpoena. If no demand is made by the witness at the time of service, the fee shall be tendered to the witness prior to the start of the hearing.
(4) Paragraphs (1)-(3) supersede 1 Pa. Code § 35.139 (relating to fees of witnesses).
(d) Supplementation. Subsections (a)-(c) supplement 1 Pa. Code § 35.142 (relating to subpoenas).


The provisions of this § 105.14a adopted March 29, 1985, effective 3/30/1985 , 15 Pa.B. 1151; amended November 15, 1991, effective 11/16/1991 , 21 Pa.B. 5334; amended March 12, 2004, effective 3/13/2004 , 34 Pa.B. 1442.