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Pennsylvania Regulations § 6.754 Council on Reform

Up to Subchapter KKK: Office of Advocacy and Reform

Regulation Text

(a) Purpose. The purpose of the Council on Reform (Council) is to study best practices related to the health, safety and welfare of vulnerable populations and to make recommendations to improve the support and protection of vulnerable residents of this Commonwealth.
(b) Responsibilities. The Council shall:
(1) Confer with constituents, partners, committees, councils and subject matter experts that assist vulnerable populations to gain their insight on issues and best practices;
(2) Review recommendations made previously by existing oversight and advisory bodies that assist vulnerable populations, evaluate the effectiveness or progress of those recommendations that have been implemented, and determine whether any recommendations that have not been implemented should be considered further;
(3) Recommend additional reforms to further protect vulnerable populations.
(c) Report. The Council shall submit a report to the Governor that outlines its recommendations on or before November 1, 2019.
(d) Composition.
(1) The Council shall consist of up to 25 members who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. Members shall not appoint designees to act or serve on their behalf. The Governor will fill vacancies as they occur. Members will be selected from representatives who are themselves, or are family of, individuals who are currently receiving or have previously received services from the Commonwealth in an institutional setting; individuals or groups that are members of, serve, or work with vulnerable populations, including but not limited to local government and law enforcement officials, advocates-including a child advocate, senior advocate, disability advocate, a veteran living with a disability, academic and medical professionals, and care providers.
(2) The Council shall also include the following ex officio members:
(a) The Secretary of Human Services or designee;
(b) The Secretary of Health or designee;
(c) The Secretary of Aging or designee;
(d) The Secretary of Drug and Alcohol Programs or designee;
(e) The Secretary of Education or designee;
(f) The Secretary of Corrections or designee;
(g) The Chairperson of the Commission on Crime and Delinquency or designee;
(h) The Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police or designee;
(i) The Adjutant General of Pennsylvania or designee;
(j) The Victim Advocate or designee;
(k) The Executive Director of the Juvenile Court Judges Commission.
(e) Council Operations.
(1) The Governor may appoint other members of the Council to serve in leadership positions as needed. Any leadership appointees shall serve in the appointed positions at the pleasure of the Governor.
(2) The Council may establish committees, rules and procedures necessary to effectively fulfill its obligations.
(3) A majority of the members of the Council shall constitute a quorum.
(4) Members of the Council may attend Council meetings in person or virtually by telephone, Skype or other electronic communications method approved by the Council. Virtual attendance shall be considered attendance for purposes of constituting a quorum.
(f) Compensation. Members of the Council shall not receive compensation for their service on the Council, except that members may be entitled to receive reimbursement for reasonable travel costs and expenditures incurred while performing Council business in accordance with the Commonwealth's travel and subsistence policies. The Department of Aging, Department of Health, Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, Commission on Crime and Delinquency, and Department of Human Services shall each pay one-fifth of the approved travel and subsistence expenses of the Council members. See Chapter 40 (relating to travel and subsistence).
(g) Support.
(1) The Department of Human Services Director of Intergovernmental Affairs shall serve as the Executive Director for the Council.
(2) The Commonwealth agencies represented by ex officio membership on the Council shall provide administrative and other support to assist the Council in carrying out the Councils responsibilities and duties.