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Pennsylvania Regulations § 91.2 Purpose

Up to Chapter 91: General Provisions

Regulation Text

This subpart is designed to effectuate the primary purpose of the Civil Service Act ( 71 P. S. § § 741.1-741.1005 ), declared to be greater efficiency and economy in the administration of the government of the Commonwealth, including, as a means to that end, the "establishment of conditions of service which will attract to the service of the Commonwealth qualified persons of character and ability and their appointment and promotion on the basis of merit and fitness." As amplifications, enlargements, and extensions of the Civil Service Act ( 71 P. S. § § 741.1-741.1005 ), the provisions of these rules shall be read in conjunction with appropriate and corresponding provisions of such act and shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes.


The provisions of this § 91.2 adopted October 18, 1961; amended October 15, 1964 and April 16, 1970.