Rhode Island Statutes § 17-12-7 Composition of city and district committees - Appointment
Statute Text
The members of the several ward committees in each city of the same political party shall constitute the city committee of the political party for that city. For each of the political parties, there shall be a senatorial district committee for each senatorial district to consist of five (5) members where the senatorial district is contained within a single city or town, and to consist of seven (7) members where the senatorial district includes all or parts of two (2) or more cities or towns. Senatorial district committee members shall, in the first instance, be appointed by the chairperson of the state committee of the party. There shall be a representative district committee for each representative district to consist of three (3) members where the representative district is contained within a single city or town, and to consist of five (5) members where the representative district includes all or parts of two (2) or more cities or towns. Representative district committee members shall, in the first instance, be appointed by the chairperson of the state committee of the party. The senatorial and representative district committee members shall be qualified electors of their respective districts and shall hold office respectively from the date of their appointment and until the next election of the committees, and thereafter until their successors have been elected, qualified, and organized.
P.L. 2002 , ch. 4 , § 7 .
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