Rhode Island Statutes § 17-19-23 Wardens and supervisors - powers and duties
Statute Text
The wardens shall:
Have general supervision of the voting place;
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Assign and reassign and relieve the bipartisan pairs of supervisors, as the efficient conduct of the election may require;
Access the voting list and set it before the bipartisan pairs, if it has not been divided in sections, or set each section before a bipartisan pair where it has been divided in sections, immediately preceding the opening of the polls;
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Be vigilant and responsible to prevent any voter from voting more than once;
Cause to be established a single line of persons desiring to vote and enlist the assistance of the supervisors and the police in attendance to maintain that line;
As far as consistent with their other duties, station themselves at the entrance to the polling area and prevent any person from entering the designated voting area, except under the authority of this chapter, and prevent any person from entering that area for the purpose of voting until that person's name has been announced and that person's identity certified according to law by the supervisors in charge of the voting list, and shall prevent any voter from departing the enclosed space while in possession of his or her computer ballot. A notice shall be provided by the state board and posted in a conspicuous place advising that it is a felony for a voter to leave the enclosed area while in possession of his or her ballot. The voter has the option of casting his or her ballot or surrendering the ballot to the warden whereby it will be marked void;
Cause to be removed or arrested any person or official who commits a violation of the election law in their presence or disturbs the conduct of the voting; provided, that they shall not cause any removal or arrest without the approval of the election inspector, unless the clerk agrees with the wardens that the person or official should be arrested or removed;
Have the power to administer oaths as required by this title, and to attest the oaths by signature in proof of the administration of the oaths.
Amended by 2016 Pub. Laws, ch. 364 , § 1 , eff. 7/6/2016 .
Amended by 2016 Pub. Laws, ch. 341 , § 1 , eff. 7/6/2016 .
G.L. 1938, ch. 318, § 10; P.L. 1940, ch. 818, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 17-19-20 ; G.L. 1956, § 17-19-23; P.L. 1958, ch. 18, § 1; P.L. 1958 s.s. , ch. 216, §1; P.L. 1996 , ch. 277 , § 12 ; P.L. 1996 , ch. 298 , § 12 .
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