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South Carolina Regulations § 52-402 Lobbyist's and Lobbyist's Principal Registration, Termination, Supplemental Registration, Record Keeping, and Reregistration Requirements

Up to Article 4: Lobbyists, Lobbyist's Principals and Rating Entities

Regulation Text

A. Lobbyists and lobbyist's principals shall register with the Commission.
(1) Registration is made by fully completing the appropriate form and filing the original along with the applicable filing fee with the Commission.
(2) If a partnership, committee, association, corporation, labor organization, or any other organization or group of persons registers as a lobbyist or lobbyist's principal, then it must identify each person who will act as a lobbyist on its behalf during the covered period.
(3) Each lobbyist, except full-time State employees whose activities are limited to efforts on behalf of that particular State agency and the State, shall pay the statutory filing fee at the time of registration.
(4) A registration form which is not fully completed or is not accompanied by a filing fee for each lobbyist and each lobbyist's principal shall not be accepted by the Commission for filing.
B. Each lobbyist and lobbyist's principal who intends to cease lobbying shall notify the Commission in writing of the intent to terminate lobbying within ten days after ceasing lobbying.
(1) A notice of intent to terminate is made by filing a letter with the Commission. The notice is effective upon filing with the Commission unless a later date is indicated.
(2) The lobbyist and lobbyist's principal shall report lobbying activity and expenditures for any reporting period during which the lobbyist or lobbyist's principal was registered on the next regularly scheduled report.
(3) Reregistration within the same calendar year may be made by filing a new original registration statement and payment of a filing fee.
C. A lobbyist and/or lobbyist's principal shall file an amended registration statement indicating any substantial change in the information contained in the prior registration statement immediately but no later than fifteen days from the date of the change.
(1) To report a substantial change to a previously filed registration statement, file a Lobbyist's Registration Statement or Lobbyist's Principal Registration Statement with the word "AMENDED" boldly appearing on the face of the statement.
(2) An additional filing fee is not required to file an amended registration statement.
(3) The lobbyist and lobbyist's principal shall be bound to the matters contained in its registration form until an amended form is filed with the Commission. A lobbyist or lobbyist's principal's activity outside the matters previously registered or conducted by persons who are not disclosed on the registration statement shall be deemed to constitute lobbying activity without proper registration.
D. Each lobbyist and lobbyist's principal shall maintain for a period of not less than four years records of their activity and provide the records upon written request to the Commission without charge.
E. Registration or reregistration by a lobbyist or lobbyist's principal will not be accepted until the reporting requirements provided under the Act and these regulations are met.


Added by State Register Volume 21, Issue No. 6, Part 2, eff June 27, 1997.