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South Carolina Regulations § 52-504 Candidate's and Committee's Campaign Reports

Up to Article 5: Campaign Practices and Reports

Regulation Text

A. Contributions and expenditures to candidates and committees are reported on the Commission's "Campaign Disclosure Form." This form is the official form required to be filed to satisfy the reporting requirements under the Act.
B. Quarterly Reports. After filing an "initial" Campaign Disclosure Form, updated Quarterly Campaign Disclosure Forms must be filed for each calendar quarter both before and after the election.
(1) Calendar quarters are January 1 through March 31; April 1 though June 30; July 1 through September 30; and October 1 through December 31.
(2) The quarterly reports must be filed no than ten days following the end of the quarter, e.g., April 10, July 10, October 10, and January 10.
(3) For each calendar quarter, complete the Campaign Disclosure Form reporting transactions occurring during the quarter.
C. Statement of Inactivity. The pre-election report and each quarterly report are required even when there have been no contributions or expenditures.
D. Final Report. A candidate or committee must continue to file Campaign Disclosure Forms until the candidate or committee no longer accepts contributions, incurs expenditures, or pays for expenditures incurred.
(1) Committees may dissolve only after no longer accepting contributions, incurring expenditures, or paying for expenditures incurred. If a committee owes or is owed money, the committee may dissolve but must report the status of the debt annually on a Campaign Disclosure Form until all debts are resolved. The method of resolution to eliminate these debts, including contributions accepted and payment for expenditures incurred, must be stated on the report.
(2) A final report may be filed at the time or before a scheduled filing is due. The form must be marked "Final" and include a list of the material assets worth one hundred dollars or more and state their disposition.
(3) A Final Campaign Disclosure report may only be filed when there are no further contributions being solicited or made, there are no outstanding obligations, and the account balance is zero.


Added by State Register Volume 21, Issue No. 6, Part 2, eff June 27, 1997.