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South Carolina Regulations § 52-607 Candidates' and Incumbents' Statements of Economic Interests

Up to Article 6: Statement of Economic Interests and Contract Disclosure Forms

Regulation Text

A. This regulation governs the filing of a Statement of Economic Interest for all candidates for public office in this State except for members of or candidates to the office of State Senator and State Representative, candidates to or members of Federal office, candidates for or members of the judiciary except for probate judges and persons who are public officials and have filed a statement in the same calendar year as the year in which they file a declaration for candidacy or petition for nomination.
B. A Statement of Economic Interests shall be filed as follows:
(1) A public official who has filed a Statement of Economic Interests in the same calendar year as his declaration for candidacy or petition for nomination shall complete the first page [hereinafter "information page"] of the Commission's Statement of Economic Interests only and file the first page of the Statement with the official with whom the candidate files a declaration of candidacy or petition for nomination.
(2) A person who has not filed a Statement of Economic Interests in the same calendar year as his declaration for candidacy or petition for nomination shall complete the entire Statement of Economic Interests Form for the preceding calendar year and file the entire Statement with the official with whom the candidate files his declaration of candidacy or petition for nomination.
C. No later than five business days after the candidacy books close, the official receiving the declarations of candidacy or petitions for nomination shall file a copy of the Information Page and completed Statements of Economic Interests with the Commission along with the Candidates Roster.
D. The Commission will review the Candidate's Roster and Statements of Economic Interests, Information Pages and certify to the election official that the candidates have properly filed in which case the candidates' names may appear on the election ballot. Any candidate who fails to file a Statement of Economic Interests shall not have his name appear on the election ballot. It is the responsibility of the official receiving the declaration of candidacy or petition for nomination to insure that each candidate has filed.
(1) An individual who becomes a candidate other than by filing shall, no later than fifteen business days after becoming a candidate, file a Statement of Economic Interests for the preceding calendar year with the Commission.
(2) If a candidate files for office before January first of the year in which the election is held, he must file a supplementary statement of economic interests with the Commission covering the preceding calendar year no later than April first of the year in which the election is held.
(3) A candidate who is not a public official otherwise filing a statement has the same disclosure requirements as a public official with the exception of reporting gifts.
E. On the fifth day following the election, the election official shall file a Successful Candidate Roster with the Commission providing the successful candidate's name and elected position.


Added by State Register Volume 21, Issue No. 6, Part 2, eff June 27, 1997.