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South Dakota Regulations § 5:02:08:00.05 Methodology for conducting the random sample for a statewide candidate, initiative petition, referred law petition, or initiated constitutional amendment petition

Up to Chapter 5:02:08: Petitions

Regulation Text

Upon receiving any statewide candidate petition, initiative petition, referred law petition, or initiated constitutional amendment petition, the secretary of state shall use the following method for conducting the random sample:
(1) Each sheet within the petition shall be consecutively numbered;
(2) A spreadsheet consisting of rows and columns shall be created listing each petition sheet number in a column and the number of eligible signatures, as defined in subsection 4(d), in a separate column;
(3) The Office of Secretary State must use the tables in subdivision (8) which identifies how many signatures shall be randomly sampled to meet the statutory requirement based on the number of petition signatures submitted. Microsoft Excel functions, or a similar program as determined by the secretary of state, shall be used to randomly select the signatures for validation;
(4) Each signature in the random sample shall be evaluated as to whether the signature is valid or invalid pursuant to §§ 5:02:08:00 and 5:02:08:00 .01, and in accordance with:
(a) No signature line may be counted unless the person is a registered voter in the county indicated in the signature line;
(b) When validating a statewide partisan candidate petition, the party affiliation is also validated for each randomly selected eligible signature;
(c) A signature line consists of two rows containing six fields each, signature line is separately numbered as per § 5:02:08:00 .03;
(d) An eligible signature is a signature line that is filled in partially or completely. If a signature line is empty or crossed out, said signature line is not included as an eligible signature. A signature line containing an abstract mark or markings shall be counted as an eligible signature; and
(e) A random sample signatures are those eligible signatures contained in the random sample generated by the program designated in sudivision (3). The total number of valid signatures submitted is extrapolated from the random sample;
(5) The total number of valid signatures is determined by:
(a) Subtracting the number of invalid random sample signatures from the total number of random sample signatures;
(b) Next, determine the percentage of valid signatures in the random sample signatures by dividing the number of valid signatures by the total number of random sample signatures;
(c) The resulting percentage is multiplied by the total number of eligible signatures submitted; and
(d) The resulting number is the number of valid signatures the secretary of state uses to determine how the petition is certified;
(6) If the number of valid signatures as determined in sudvision (5) is equal to or greater than the required number of signatures needed to file the petition, the secretary of state shall certify the petition as filed;
(7) If the number of valid signatures as determined in subdivision (5) is less than the required number of signatures needed to file the petition, the secretary of state shall certify the petition as not filed; and
(8) The table below identifies how many signatures shall be randomly sampled to meet the state requirements:
(a) If the sample size number is less than the safe harbor sample size number the Secretary of State shall use the safe harbor sample size number; and
(b) If the number of submitted signatures is between two numbers listed in the signatures submitted column, the Secretary of State shall round down to the lower number if the number is 500 or less and shall round up if the number is 501 and higher.
Statewide Ballot Question Table
Sample Size Signatures Submitted "Safe Harbor" Sample Size Sample size % of total
694 13,871 699 5.0032%
699 15,000 701 4.6600%
701 16,000 703 4.3813%
703 17,000 704 4.1353%
704 18,000 706 3.9111%
706 19,000 707 3.7158%
707 20,000 708 3.5350%
708 21,000 709 3.3714%
709 22,000 710 3.2227%
710 23,000 711 3.0870%
711 24,000 712 2.9625%
712 25,000 713 2.8480%
713 26,000 714 2.7423%
714 27,000 714 2.6444%
714 28,000 715 2.5500%
715 29,000 715 2.4655%
715 30,000 716 2.3833%
716 31,000 716 2.3097%
716 32,000 717 2.2375%
717 33,000 717 2.1727%
717 34,000 718 2.1088%
718 35,000 718 2.0514%
718 36,000 719 1.9944%
719 37,000 719 1.9432%
719 38,000 719 1.8921%
719 39,000 720 1.8436%
720 40,000 720 1.8000%
720 41,000 720 1.7561%
720 42,000 721 1.7143%
721 43,000 721 1.6767%
721 44,000 721 1.6386%
721 45,000 721 1.6022%
721 46,000 722 1.5674%
722 47,000 722 1.5362%
722 48,000 722 1.5042%
722 49,000 722 1.4735%
722 50,000 723 1.4440%
723 51,000 723 1.4176%
723 52,000 723 1.3904%
723 53,000 723 1.3642%
723 54,000 723 1.3389%
723 55,000 723 1.3145%
723 56,000 724 1.2911%
724 57,000 724 1.2702%
724 58,000 724 1.2483%
724 59,000 724 1.2271%
724 60,000 724 1.2067%
724 61,000 724 1.1869%
724 62,000 724 1.1677%
724 63,000 725 1.1492%
725 64,000 725 1.1328%
725 65,000 725 1.1154%
725 66,000 725 1.0985%
725 67,000 725 1.0821%
725 68,000 725 1.0662%
725 69,000 725 1.0507%
725 70,000 725 1.0357%
725 71,000 726 1.0211%
726 72,000 726 1.0083%
726 73,000 726 0.9945%
726 74,000 726 0.9811%
726 75,000 726 0.9680%
726 76,000 726 0.9553%
726 77,000 726 0.9429%
726 78,000 726 0.9308%
726 79,000 726 0.9190%
726 80,000 726 0.9075%
726 81,000 726 0.8963%
726 82,000 726 0.8854%
726 83,000 727 0.8747%
727 84,000 727 0.8655%
727 85,000 727 0.8553%
Statewide Candidate Table
Sample Size Signatures Submitted "Safe Harbor" Sample Size Sample size % of total
187 250 213 74.8000%
213 300 259 71.0000%
259 400 297 64.7500%
297 500 330 59.4000%
330 600 358 55.0000%
358 700 383 51.1429%
383 800 404 47.8750%
404 900 423 44.8889%
423 1,000 440 42.3000%
440 1,100 455 40.0000%
455 1,200 469 37.9167%
469 1,300 481 36.0769%
481 1,400 493 34.3571%
493 1,500 503 32.8667%
503 1,600 512 31.4375%
512 1,700 521 30.1176%
521 1,800 529 28.9444%
529 1,900 537 27.8421%
537 2,000 543 26.8500%
543 2,100 550 25.8571%
550 2,200 556 25.0000%
556 2,300 562 24.1739%
562 2,400 567 23.4167%
567 2,500 572 22.6800%
572 2,600 577 22.0000%
577 2,700 581 21.3704%
581 2,800 585 20.7500%
585 2,900 589 20.1724%
589 3,000 593 19.6333%
593 3,100 596 19.1290%
596 3,200 600 18.6250%
600 3,300 603 18.1818%
603 3,400 606 17.7353%
606 3,500 609 17.3143%
609 3,600 612 16.9167%
612 3,700 615 16.5405%
615 3,800 617 16.1842%
617 3,900 620 15.8205%
620 4,000 622 15.5000%
622 4,100 624 15.1707%
624 4,200 626 14.8571%
626 4,300 628 14.5581%
628 4,400 630 14.2727%
630 4,5000 632 14.0000%
632 4,600 634 13.7391%
634 4,700 636 13.4894%
636 4,800 638 13.2500%
638 4,900 639 13.0204%
639 5,000 641 12.7800%
641 5,100 642 12.5686%
642 5,200 644 12.3462%
644 5,300 645 12.1509%
645 5,400 647 11.9444%
647 5,500 648 11.7636%
648 5,600 649 11.5714%
649 5,700 651 11.3860%
651 5,800 652 11.2241%
652 5,900 653 11.0508%
653 6,000 654 10.8833%
654 6,100 656 10.7213%
656 6,200 657 10.5806%
657 6,300 658 10.4286%
658 6,400 659 10.2813%
659 6,500 660 10.1385%
660 6,600 661 10.0000%
661 6,700 662 9.8657%
662 6,800 663 9.7353%
663 6,900 664 9.6087%
664 7,000 664 9.4857%
664 7,100 665 9.3521%
665 7,200 666 9.2361%
666 7,300 667 9.1233%
667 7,400 668 9.0135%
668 7,500 669 8.9067%
669 7,600 669 8.8026%
669 7,700 670 8.6883%
670 7,800 671 8.5897%
671 7,900 671 8.4937%
671 8,000 672 8.3875%
672 8,100 673 8.2963%
673 8,200 673 8.2073%
673 8,300 674 8.1084%
674 8,400 675 8.0238%
675 8,500 675 7.9412%
675 8,600 676 7.8488%
676 8,700 677 7.7701%
677 8,800 677 7.6932%
677 8,900 678 7.6067%
678 9,000 678 7.5333%
678 9,100 679 7.4505%
679 9,200 679 7.3804%
679 9,300 680 7.3011%
680 9,400 680 7.2340%
680 9,500 681 7.1579%
681 9,600 681 7.0938%
681 9,700 682 7.0206%
682 9,800 682 6.9592%
682 9,900 683 6.8889%
683 10,000 683 6.8300%
683 10,100 684 6.7624%
684 10,200 684 6.7059%
684 10,300 685 6.6408%
685 10,400 685 6.5865%
685 10,500 686 6.5238%
686 10,600 686 6.4717%
686 10,700 686 6.4112%
686 10,800 687 6.3519%
687 10,900 687 6.3028%
687 11,000 688 6.2455%
688 11,100 688 6.1982%
688 11,200 688 6.1429%
688 11,300 689 6.0885%
689 11,400 689 6.0439%
689 11,500 689 5.9913%
689 11,600 690 5.9397%
690 11,700 690 5,8974%
690 11,800 690 5.8475%
690 11,900 691 5.7983%
691 12,000 691 5.7583%
691 12,100 691 5.7107%
691 12,200 692 5.6639%
692 12,300 692 5.6260%
692 12,400 692 5.5806%
692 12,500 693 5.5360%
693 12,600 693 5.5000%
693 12,700 693 5.4567%
693 12,800 694 5.4141%
694 12,900 694 5.3798%
694 13,000 694 5.3385%
694 13,100 694 5.2977%
694 13,200 695 5.2576%
695 13,300 695 5.2256%
695 13,400 695 5.1866%
695 13,500 695 5.1481%
695 13,600 696 5.1103%
696 13,700 696 5.0803%
696 13,800 696 5.0435%
696 13,900 696 5.0072%
696 14,000 697 4.9714%
697 14,100 697 4.9433%
697 14,200 697 4.9085%
697 14,300 697 4.8741%
697 14,400 698 4.8403%
698 14,500 698 4.8138%
698 14,600 698 4.7808%
698 14,700 698 4.7483%
698 14,800 699 4.7162%
699 14,900 699 4.6913%
699 15,000 699 4.6600%
699 15,100 699 4.6291%
699 15,200 699 4.5987%
699 15,300 700 4.5686%
700 15,400 700 4.5455%
700 15,500 700 4.5161%
700 15,600 700 4.4872%
700 15,700 700 4.4586%
700 15,800 701 4.4304%
701 15,900 701 4.4088%
701 16,000 701 4.3813%
701 16,100 701 4.3540%
701 16,200 701 4.3272%
701 16,300 702 4.3006%
702 16,400 702 4.2805%
702 16,500 702 4.2545%
702 16,600 702 4.2289%
702 16,700 702 4.2036%
702 16,800 702 4.1786%
702 16,900 703 4.1538%
703 17,000 703 4.1353%
703 17,100 703 4.1111%
703 17,200 703 4.0872%
703 17,300 703 4.0636%
703 17,400 703 4.0402%
703 17,500 704 4.0171%
704 17,600 704 4.0000%
704 17,700 704 3.9774%
704 17,800 704 3.9551%
704 17,900 704 3.9330%
704 18,000 704 3.9111%
704 18,100 705 3.8895%
705 18,200 705 3.8736%
705 18,300 705 3.8525%
705 18,400 705 3.8315%
705 18,500 705 3.8108%
705 18,600 705 3.7903%
705 18,700 705 3.7701%
705 18,800 706 3.7500%
706 18,900 706 3.7354%
706 19,000 706 3.7158%
706 19,100 706 3.6963%
706 19,200 706 3.6771%
706 19,300 706 3.6580%
706 19,400 706 3.6392%
706 19,500 707 3.6205%
707 19,600 707 3.6071%
707 19,700 707 3.5888%
707 19,800 707 3.5707%
707 19,900 707 3.5528%
707 20,000 707 3.5350%


33 SDR 230, effective July 1, 2007; 42 SDR 178 , effective 7/1/2016 ; 43 SDR 17 , effective 8/8/2017 ; 45 SDR 009 , effective 7/30/2018

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