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South Dakota Regulations § 5:02:23:02 Post-Election Audit Definitions

Up to Article 5:02: State Board of Elections

Regulation Text

Terms used in this chapter mean:
(1) "Counted ballot," a voted ballot counted by the post-election auditing board in at least one contest;
(2) "Paper seal," a seal affixed to ballot receptacles or containers;
(3) "Board Member," A member of the post-election auditing board cannot be a person who worked as an election worker in the election being audited. Members must be of different political parties and registered voters in the county where the audit is taking place. No member may be a candidate for office that is on the ballot being audited;
(4) "Over vote," a race in which more votes were cast on a ballot than allowed for that race
(5) "Voted ballot," a ballot placed in the ballot box at any time;
(6) "Write-in vote," a name written on a ballot in an attempt to indicate a vote for that person.


50 SDR 066 , effective 12/5/2023