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South Dakota Statutes § 12-17B-23 Post-election audit-Notice to candidates impacted-Recount petition

Up to Chapter 17B: Automatic Tabulating Systems

Statute Text

If the results of the post-election audit show a discrepancy in the results greater than the margin by which any contest for elected office on the ballot in the county was decided, the auditor shall notify the candidates for that office. Any candidate who receives a notification from the county auditor shall have an additional seven days from the date from when the auditor sends the notification to file a verified petition requesting a recount of the official returns pursuant to §§ 12-21-10 or 12-21-11 . The petition may be filed regardless of the margin by which the contest was decided.


SL 2023 , ch 50 , § 6 .


Added by S.L. 2023 , ch. 50 , s. 6 , eff. 7/1/2023 .