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Texas Regulations § 6.25 Appointment and Operation of Advisory Committees

Up to Subchapter B: Officers And Employees Of The Commission

Regulation Text

(a) The commission by resolution may establish one or more committees to obtain the viewpoints and advice of interested persons with respect to any contemplated rulemaking. The membership or method of appointment of members to a committee established under this section shall be specified in the resolution that creates the committee. A committee created under this section is advisory only.
(b) In addition to committees established under subsection (a) of this section, with the consent of other members of the commission the presiding officer may from time to time establish and appoint commission members and others to a special committee to exercise advisory duties specified by the presiding officer.


The provisions of this §6.25 adopted to be effective December 31, 1993, 18 TexReg 9708.