Texas Statutes Chapter 87: Processing Early Voting Results
Down to ⤵ Subchapter A: Early Voting Ballot Board §§ 87.001 to 87.006
Down to ⤵ Subchapter B: Delivering Materials To Board §§ 87.021 to 87.028
Down to ⤵ Subchapter C: Accepting Early Voting Ballot Voted By Mail §§ 87.041 to 87.044
Down to ⤵ Subchapter D: Processing Manually Counted Ballots §§ 87.061 to 87.063
Down to ⤵ Subchapter F: Processing Ballots Counted At Central Counting Station §§ 87.101 to 87.104
Down to ⤵ Subchapter G: Miscellaneous Provisions §§ 87.121 to 87.128